Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 1

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (62) 2014 53 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ of high-melting elements in the soft interlayer of siliceous ferrite. This structure of the coating provides a uniform distribution of the normal modulus of elasticity, increases the resistance of the protective layer in the thermal cycling conditions and linear wear. Keywords: steel, coating, borides, diffusion, plasticity stock, wear, thermo cycling, microindenting. References 1. Lahtin Yu.M., Arzamasov B.N. Himiko-termicheskaja obrabotka metallov [Chemical heat treatment of metals]. Moscow, Metallurgija Publ., 1985. 256 p. 2. Labunec V.F., Voroshnin L.G., Kindarchuk M.V. Iznosostojkie boridnye pokrytija [Wear boride coating]. Kiev, Tehnika Publ., 1989. 253 p. 3. Chernov Ya.B., Anfinogenov A.I., Shurov N.I. Borirovanie stalej v ionnyh rasplavah [Boriding steels in ionic melts]. Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2001. 224 p. 4. Guzanov B.N., Kosicyn S.V., Pugacheva N.B. Uprochnjajushhie zashhitnye pokrytija v mashinostroenii [Strengthening sheetings in engineering].Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2004. 244 p. 5. Pugacheva N.B. Uprochnjajushhie tehnologii i pokrytija , 2009, no. 11, pp. 37–48. 6. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Panin A.V. Nanostrukturirovanie poverhnostnyh sloev konstrukcionnyh materialov i nanesenie nanostrukturnyh pokrytij [Nanostructuring of the surface layers of materials of construction and application of nanostructured coatings]. Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University Publ., 2010. 254 p. 7. Fedosov S.A., Peshek L. Opredelenie mehanicheskih svojstv materialov mikroindentirovaniem: Sovremennye zarubezhnye metodiki [Determination of mechanical properties of materials Microindentation: Modern foreign methods]. Moscow, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, 2004. 100 p. 8. Pugacheva N.B. Zamaraev L.M. Trushina E.B. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Zamjatin A.N. Uprochnjajushhie tehnologii i pokrytija , 2011, no. 3, pp. 24 – 30. 9. Kajdash N.G., Chetverikova L.N. Struktura i svojstva borosilicidnyh pokrytij na zheleze i stali [Structure and properties of coatings borosilicide on iron and steel]. Vestnik Cherkasskogo nacional’nogo universiteta. Serija fiziko- matematicheskih nauk . Cherkasy, Cherkasy National University Publ., 2007, Issue. 114, pp. 89–114.