Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 1

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (62) 2014 59 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ Received 12 November 2013 Revised 15 January 2014 Accepted 20 January 2014 Abstract Modification of the electroexplosive composite coatings by electron beam is the perspective direction in the development of methods of electroexplosive spattering of composite materials. In recent years the method of the surface treatment by the multiphase plasma jets of electrical conductors explosion has been developed. In this paper it is showed, that repetitively-pulsed electron-beam treatment of the electroexplosive coatings of the Cu-Mo-system leads to a smoothing of the coatings surface relief and formation of its’ two-layer structure. Surface layer with a thickness of 30-50 μm after electron-beam refusion is characterized by a defect-free structure and is formed by molybdenum cells with an average size of 1.3 μm, which is combined in grains with the size of 10-22 μm. Thickness of the copper layers in it is 0.1-0.2 μm. Molybdenum and copper content in it is 70 and 30 at. % respectively. Keywords: electroexplosive spattering, electron beam treatment, pseudoalloy, molybdenum, copper, structure. References 1. Anisimov A.G., Mali V.I. Issledovanie vozmozhnosti jelektroimpul'snogo spekanija poroshkovyh nanostrukturnyh kompozitov [Possibility of electric-pulse sintering of powder nanostructural composites]. Fizika gorenija i vzryva - Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves , 2010, no. 2, pp. 135–139. 2. Tihij G.A., e.a. Sposob poluchenija molibden-mednogo kompozicionnogo materiala [A method for producing a molybdenum-copper composite material]. Patent RF, no. 2005121106/02, 2007. 3. Grechanjuk N.I., Osokin V.A., Grechanjuk I.N., Minakova R.V. Kondensirovannye iz parovoj fazy kompozicionnye materialy na osnove medi i molibdena dlja jelektricheskih kontaktov. Struktura, svojstva, tehnologija. Sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy primenenija tehnologii jelektronno-luchevogo vysokoskorostnogo isparenija-kondensacii dlja poluchenija materialov jelektricheskih kontaktov. Soobshhenie 1 [The condensed vapor from composite materials based on copper and molybdenum, for electrical contacts. The structure, properties and technology. Current state and prospects of technology of high-speed electron-beam evaporation-condensation materials for electrical contacts. Report 1]. Sovremennaja jelektrometallurgija , Kiev, Publishing house “Paton”, 2005, no. 2, pp. 28–35. 4. Grechanjuk N.I., Grechanjuk I.N., Osokin V.A. e.a. Osnovy jelektronno-luchevoj tehnologii poluchenija materialov dlja jelektricheskih kontaktov. Ih struktura, svojstva. Soobshhenie 2 [Fundamentals of electron beam technology to obtain materials for electrical contacts. Their structures and properties. Report 2]. Sovremennaja jelektrometallurgija , Kiev, Publishing house “Paton”, 2006, no. 2, pp. 9–19. 5. Romanov D.A., Budovskikh E.A., GromovV.E. Jelektrovzryvnoe napylenie jelektro-jerozionnostojkih pokrytij: formirovanie struktury, fazovogo sostava i svojstv jelektrojerozionnostojkih pokrytij metodom jelektrovzryvnogo napylenija [Electro-detonation spraying of electro-erosion-resistant coatings: structure formation, phase composition and properties of electro-erosion-resistant coatings by electro-detonation spraying], Saarbrucken, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2012. 170 p. 6. Rotshtein V., Ivanov Yu., Markov A. Chapter 6 in Book “Materials surface processing by directed energy techniques”. Ed. by Y. Pauleau. Elsevier, 2006, pp. 205-240. 7. Budovskikh E.A., Karpij S.V., Gromov V.E. Formirovanie poverhnostnyh sloev metallov i splavov pri jelektrovzryvnom legirovanii [Formation of metal and alloy surface layers at electroexplosive alloying]. Izvestija RAN. Serija fizicheskaja – Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics , 2009, Vol. 73, no. 9, pp. 1324– 1327. 8. Prochnost’ i plastichnost’ materialov pri vneshnih jenergeticheskih vozdejstvijah [Strength and ductility of materials under external influences energy]. Edited by V.E. Gromov. Novokuznetsk, Inter-Kuzbass Publ., 2010. 218 p. 9. Bagautdinov A.Ja., Budovskikh E.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Gromov V.E. Fizicheskie osnovy jelektrovzryvnogo legirovanija metallov i splavov [Physical basis of Electro-detonation doping metals and alloys]. Novokuznetsk, SibSIU, 2007. 301 p.