Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 115 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ 14. Афанасьев В.К. Легкие сплавы с малым те- пловым расширением / В.К. Афанасьев, М.В. Попо- ва, А.А. Ружило [и др.]. – Кемерово: Кузбассвузиздат, 2000. – 376 с. 15. Попова М.В. Наследственное влияние обра- ботки шихты и расплава на терморасширение заэв- тектических силуминов / М.В. Попова, А.А. Ружи- ло // Литейное производство. – 2000. – № 10. – С. 4–6. 16. Афанасьев В.К. Влияние обработки расплава водяным паром и термической обработки на линей- ное расширение алюминия с добавками 3 – 9% крем- ния / В.К. Афанасьев [и др.] // Вестник Российской академии естественных наук. Западно-Сибирское от- деление. – 2009. – Вып. 11. – С. 105–110. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 2(63), April – June 2014, Pages 107–116 Influence of fusion treatment on parameters of a microstructure and thermal expansion of silumin with the various content of silicon Popova M.V. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: m.popova@rdtc.ru Kibko N.V. , Applicant Siberian State Industrial University, 42 Kirov st., Novokuznetsk, 654007, Russian Federation Abstract Study of influence of fusion mixture and fusion treatment on the parameters of microstructure and temperature coefficient of linear expansion of hypoeutectic, eutectic and hypereutectoid silumin is conducted. The next ways of a fusion treatment are used: hydrogen charging by the wet fiber rock sponge, air purge, hydrogen purge, boiling in alkali solution. There was an additional air purge of silicon fusion mixture. It is established that fusion mixture and fusion treatment using studied regimes promotes structure modifying, increases volume fraction of eutectic and de- creases the temperature coefficient of linear expansion of silumins. Fusion treatment leads to decrease of dendriric branches size of Al - 3 % Si, Al – 5 % Si и Al – 15 % Si alloys and to the silicium dispersion in the content of silu- mins euthectic of eutectic and hypereutectoid content. The most effective influence of fusion treatment oriented to decrease of the temperature coefficient of linear expansion and decrease of abnormal thermal expansion is observed for hypoeutectic silumins with carbon content of 3 and 5 %. Keywords: silumin, fusion treatment, hydrogen, microstructure, temperature coefficient of linear expansion. References 1. Stroganov G.B., Rotenberg V.A., Gershman G.B. Splavy aliuminiia s kremniem [Alloys of aluminum with silicon]. Moscow, Metallurgiia Publ., 1977. 271 p. 2. Crubes U.G. Veredelung von Aluminiumgublеgierung mit Al–Sr 3,5- Vorlegierung in Drahtform. Giesserei, 1983. Vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 257–258. 3. Abramov A.A. O modifitsirovanii siluminov [On the Inoculation of Silumins]. Litejnoe Proizvodstvo – Found- ry. Technologies and Equipment , 2012, no. 7, pp. 17–19. 4. Korolev S.P., Mikhailovskii V.M., Nemenenok B.M. et al. Problemy i praktika modifitsirovaniia zaevtek- ticheskikh siluminov dlia porshnevogo splava [Problems and practice of modifying hypereutectic silumins for piston alloy]. Liteishchik Rossii – Caster Russia , 2005, no. 10, pp. 19–22. 5. Afanas’ev V.K., PrudnikovA.N., Popova M.V. Ispol’zovanie vodoroda i fosfora dlia proizvodstva porshnevykh siluminov [The use of hydrogen for the production of phosphorus piston silumin]. Materialy IX mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Vodorodnoe materialovedenie i khimiia uglerodnykh nanomaterialov” ICHMS-2005 [Pro- ceedings of the IX International Scientific Conference “Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nano- materials” ICHMS-2005]. Sevastopol, 2005, pp. 225–227.