Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 125 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ The thickness of coating reinforced by titanium and tantalum carbides is equal to 2.2 and 1.7 mm respectively. The volume fraction of titanium and tantalum carbides is 30 and 10 % respectively. The maximal microhardness level of cladded materials is 10 GPa. The maximal wear resistance level is registered during sliding friction for specimens reinforced by tantalum carbides. Under conditions of fixed abrasive particles coating, reinforced by tantalum carbides, has a higher resistance level. Under the influence of loosely coupled fixed abrasive particles “Ti+C” and “Ta+C” coating have the similar properties. Keywords: electron beam cladding, surface hardening, coatings structure, titanium carbide, tantalum carbide References 1. Vinogradov V.N., Sorokin G.M., Kolokol’nikov M.G. Abrazivnoe iznashivanie [Abrasive wear]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1990. 224 p. 2. Sosin N.A., Ermakov S.A., Topolianskii P.A. Plazmennye tekhnologii. Svarka, nanesenie pokrytii, uprochnenie [Plasma technology. Welding, coating, hardening.]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2008. 406 p. 3. Baoshuai Du, Sameer R.P., Narendra B.D. Phase constituents and microstructure of laser synthesized TiB2- TiC reinforced composite coating on steel. Scripta Materialia, 2008, Vol. 59, pp. 1147–1150. 4. Belyuk S.I., Samartsev V.P., Galchenko N.K., Dampilon B.V., Raskoshny S.Yu., Kolesnikova K.A. Elektronno- luchevaia naplavka v chernoi metallurgii [Electron-beam surfacing in ferrous metallurgy]. Fizicheskaia mezome- khanika - Physical Mesomechanics , 2006, Vol. 9, Special Issue, pp. 157-160. 5. Golkovski M.G., Bataev I.A., Bataev A.A., Ruktuev A.A., Zhuravina T.V., Kuksanov N.K., Salimov R.A., Ba- taev V.A. Atmospheric electron-beam surface alloying of titanium with tantalum. Materials Science & Engineering: A, 2013, Vol. 578, pp. 310–317. 6. Bataev I.A., Bataev A.A., Golkovski M.G., Krivizhenko D.S., Losinskaya A.A., Lenivtseva O.G. Struc- ture of surface layers produced by non-vacuum electron beam boriding. Applied Surface Science, 2013, Vol. 284, pp. 472–481. 7. Bataev I.A., Bataev A.A., Golkovsky M.G., Teplykh A.Yu., Burov V.G., Veselov S.V. Non-vacuum electron- beam boriding of low-carbon steel. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012, Vol. 207, pp. 245–253. 8. Golkovsky M.G., Zhuravina T.V., Bataev I.A., Bataev A.A., Veselov S.V., Bataev V.A., Prikhodko E.A. Clad- ding of Tantalum and Niobium on Titanium by Electron Beam, Injected in Atmosphere. Advanced Materials Re- search, 2011, Vols. 314-316, pp. 23–27. 9. Bataev I., Golkovskii M., Bataev A., Losinskaya A., Dostovalov R., Popelyukh A., Drobyaz E. Surface harden- ing of steels with carbon by non-vacuum electron-beam processing. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014, Vol. 242, pp. 164–169. 10. Golkovskii M.G. Zakalka i naplavka reljativistskim jelektronnym puchkom vne vakuuma. Tehnologicheskie vozmozhnosti metoda (Hardening and cladding of a relativistic electron beam outside the vacuum. Technological capabilities of the method). Saarbrȕcken, LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. 317 p. 11. Poletika I.M., GolkovskyM.G., BorisovM.D., Salimov R.A., Perovskaya M.V. Perovskaia M.V. Formirovanie uprochniaiushchikh pokrytii metodom naplavki v puchke reliativistskikh elektronov [Formation of strengthening coatings fused by relativistic electron beam]. Fizika I Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov (Physics and Chemistry of Ma- terials Processing) - Inorganic Materials: Applied Research , 2005, no. 5, pp. 29–41. 12. Yun Eunsub, Kim Yong Chan, Lee Sunghak, Kim Nack J. Correlation of microstructure with hardness and wear resistance in (TiC, SiC)/stainless steel surface composites fabricated by high-energy electron-beam irradiation. Metallurgical and materials transactions A., 2004, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 1029–1038. 13. Lee Dong-Geun, Kyuhong Lee, Sunghak Lee. Effects of tempering on microstructure, hardness, and fracture toughness of VC/steel surface composite fabricated by high-energy electron beam irradiation. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2006, Vol. 201, Issues 3-4, pp. 1296–1301. 14. Poletika I.M., Ivanov Iu.F., Golkovskii M.G., Perovskaia M.V. Struktura i svoistv pokrytii, poluchennykh elektronno-luchevoi naplavkoi [Structure and properties of the coatings produced by electron-beam overlaying weld- ing]. Fizika I Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov ( Physics and Chemistry of Materials Processing ) – Inorganic Materi- als: Applied Research, 2007, № 6, pp. 48–56. 15. Poletika I.M., Golkovski M.G., Krilova Т.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Perovskaya M.V. Formirovanie struktury metalla elektronno-luchevoi naplavki karbidom vol’frama [Formation of metal structure by electron-beam surfacing of tung- sten carbide]. Perspektivnye materialy – Journal of Advanced Materials , 2009, no. 4, pp. 65–70.