Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 19 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ деформирующего протягивания. – Киев: Наукова думка, 1990. – 320 с. 9. Розенберг А.М., Розенберг О.А., Гриценко Э.И., Посвятенко Э.К . Качество поверхности, обработан- ной деформирующим протягиванием. – Киев: Науко- ва думка, 1977. – 187 с. 10. Алюминий / под ред. А.Т. Туманова, Ф.И. Ква- сова, И.Н. Фридляндера; пер. с англ. – М.: Металлур- гия, 1972. – 664 с. 11. Вишняков Я.Д., Пискарев В.Д. Управление остаточными напряжениями в металлах и сплавах. – М.: Металлургия, 1989. – 254 с. 12. Фридман Я.Б. Механические свойства метал- лов. Деформация и разрушение. – М.: Машиностро- ение, 1974. – 472 с. 13. Бабичев М.А. Методы определения внутрен- них напряжений в деталях машин. – М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1955. – 132 с. 14. Биргер И.А. Остаточные напряжения. – М.: МАШГИЗ, 1963. –232 с. 15. Вентцель Е.С. Теория вероятностей. – М.: Высшая школа, 1999. –576 с. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 2(63), April – June 2014, Pages 14–20 Reduction of residual stresses in mandrelled thick-walled cylinders Skvortsov V.F. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: TMRI@tpu.ru Arlyapov A.Y. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor Ogol I.I. , Assistant Fedotov V.S. , Undergraduate Student National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation Abstract The methodology and results of experimental studies on possibility to reduce residual stresses in the mandrelled cylinders of steel grade 45 (0.45% C) with 5 mm diameter hole and with a wall thickness ratios 2 and 3 by plastic tension are presented in the article. It is found that even when the axial tensile plastic deformation is 0.005 significant decrease in the district of residual stresses in these cylinders occurs; with deformation increasing up to 0.015…0.020 county residual stresses are reduced in magnitude from 140…500 MPa to 30 ... 50 MPa. The relationships calculated to estimate accuracy of diametric dimensions of the cylinders after plastic tension are given. It is shown that plastic tension of mandrelled cylinders reduces accuracy of holes with a diameter less than 5 mm by less than one accuracy grade. It is noted that the considered method of reducing residual stresses is the most appropriate to use in the manufacture of long cylinders. Keywords: mandreling, thick-walled cylinders, residual stresses, plastic tension, accuracy of holes. References 1. Skvortsov V.F., ArlyapovA.Yu., Okhotin I.S. Dornovanie glubokikh otverstii malogo diametra [Small diameter deep hole mandrelling]. SPRAVOCHNIK. Inzhenernyi zhurnal – HANDBOOK. An Engineering Journal , 2012, no. 2, appendix, pp. 1–24. 2. Okhotin I.S., Skvortsov V.F. Dornovanie glubokikh otverstii malogo diametra s bol’shimi natiagami [Mandrelling deep small holes with big tightness]. Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., 2011. 170 p. 3. Skvortsov V.F., Okhotin I.S., Arlyapov A.Yu. Ostatochnye napriazheniia pri dornovanii otverstii malogo diametra s bol’shimi natiagami [Residual stresses at mandrelling small holes with big tightness]. Izvestiia Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta - Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University , 2010, Vol. 316, no. 2, pp. 24–27. 4. Monchenko V.P. Effektivnaia tekhnologiia proizvodstva polykh tsilindrov [Effective technology for the production of hollow cylinders]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1980. 248 p.