Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 29 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ Abstract The grinding process is used at the final stage of manufacture of responsible parts. The quality criterion in this case is surfaced roughness that determining machine durability. Abrasive wheels are the weakest link in process tech- nology system, which cutting abilities can’t be expressed as a deterministic quantity. In this connection the assess- ment of cutting properties of abrasive wheels is conducted with attraction of parametric and nonparametric statistical methods that allow to find not only expected measure of position (mean, median), but also a measure of scattering, estimated by deviations standards, swings and interquartile widths. The measures of scattering are seldom consid- ered in estimating of cutting ability of abrasive wheel, although they only allow to characterize the stability of the process. This is especially important in processing of large operating batches of parts on customized machines. The research is conducted with high porous wheels (VPK) of new generation, which porosity was increased to (10-12) th structure and high-strength grains of cubic boron nitride ( CBN 50 100/80 СТ1 10К27 100-КФ40) and microscopical corundum (5 SG 46 I 12 VXP ) are used. It is revealed that the difference between expected means and medians is in the limit of categorical variables (CV), and the most accurate estimates of process stability are obtained with deviations of standard. Grinding of flat parts made of steel 13Х15Н4АМ3 should be occurred with wheels made of synthetic corundum 5SG that allows to decrease the high parameters of roughness - 1,121,16 times higher (that means one CV) and increase the process stability in 1,04-1,06 times. Keywords: grinding, high roughness parameters, statistics, mean, median, deviation of standard References 1. Bagayskov Yu.S., Shumyacher V.M. Uluchshenie strukturno-mekhanicheskikh i ekspluatatsionnykh svoistv abrazivnykh instrumentov s poroobrazovatelem [Improvement of constructive-mechanical properties and operating abilities of the porophore abrasive tool]. Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya - Mechanical Engineering , 2007, no. 3. pp. 34–37. 2. Kremen’ Z.I. Vysokoporistye krugi – effektivnoe sredstvo povysheniia proizvoditel’nosti shlifovaniia i kachestva detalei iz razlichnykh materialov [The highly wheels - an effective means of improving productivity and quality of grinding parts from different materials]. Instrument i tekhnologii – Tools and Technologies , 2001, no. 5–6, pp. 34–37. 3. Kremen’ Z.I., Yur’ev V.G., Baboshkin A.F. Tekhnologiia shlifovaniia v mashinostroenii [Grinding technology in mechanical engineering]. Saint Petersburg, Politekhnika Publ., 2007. 424 p. 4. Kremen’ Z.I., Lebedev A.I. Analiz vozmozhnostei upravleniia poristost’iu shlifoval’nykh krugov iz el’bora s tsel’iu rasshireniia oblastei ikh primeneniia [Analysis of management capabilities porosity grinding wheels CBN to expand their areas of application]. Instrument i tekhnologii – Tools and Technologies , 2010, no. 27, Issue 1, pp. 46-49. 5. Lebedev A.I. Povyshenie effektivnosti protsessa shlifovaniia trudnoobrabatyvaemykh materialov putem primeneniia spetsial’nykh krupnoporistykh krugov iz el’bora . Avtoref. diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Increase in the efficiency of grinding hard materials by using special macroporous CBN wheels. Author’s abstract of Dr. tech. sci. diss.]. Rybinsk, RSATU Publ., 2010. 16 p. 6. Starkov V. K., Ryabtsev S. A., Poklad V. A., Novikov V. S., Kayzer M., Kostrov S. V. Sravnitel’nyi analiz rabotosposobnosti vysokoporistykh el’borovykh i korundovykh krugov pri profil’nom zuboshlifovanii [Working capacity comparative analysis of high-porous L-boric and corundum wheels at contour gear grinding]. Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya - Mechanical Engineering , 2007, no. 2, pp. 17–22. 7. Starkov V.K. Shlifovanie vysokoporistymi krugami [Highly porous grinding wheels]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2007. 688 p. 8. Suslov A.G., Bez”iazychnyi V.F., Panfilov Yu.V., Bishutin S.G., Govorov I.V., Gorlenko A.O., Gorlenko O.A., Petreshin D.I., Sakalo V.I., S”ianov S.Yu., Tikhomirov V.P., Fedonin O.N., Fedorov V.P., Finatov D.N., Shcherbakov A.N. Inzheneriia poverkhnosti [Surface Engineering]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2008. 320 s. 9. Polkanov E.G., Kiskin O.S., Holemy S., Ryabtsev S.A. Primenenie vysokoporistykh krugov iz sinterkorunda pri profil’nom shlifovanii fasonnogo rezhushchego instrumenta [Application of highly porous wheels from sintered coroundum for profile grinding the shared cutting tool]. SPRAVOCHNIK. Inzhenernyi zhurnal – HANDBOOK. An Engineering Journal , 2008, no. 11, pp. 30–32. 10. Unianin A.N. Nauchnoe i tekhnologicheskoe obespechenie shlifovaniia zagotovok iz plastichnykh stalei i splavov s predotvrashcheniem zasalivaniia abrazivnykh krugov. Diss. dokt. tekhn. nauk [Scientific and technological