Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 30 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ support for the grinding of workpieces plastic steels and alloys to prevent clogging of abrasive wheels. Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Ulyanovsk, ULSTU Publ., 2006. 537 p. 11. Shumyacher V. M., Kadilnikov A. V. Vliianie formy poverkhnosti shlifoval’nogo kruga i orientatsii abrazivnogo zerna v sviazke na nachalo protsessa struzhkoobrazovaniia [Effect of surface form and abrasive grain orientation at the beginning of thechips-making process at grinding]. Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya – Mechanical Engineering , 2007, no. 5, pp. 29–33. 12. Nosenko V.A., Nosenko S.V. Tekhnologiia shlifovaniia metallov: monografiia [Metal grinding technology: monograph]. Staryy Oskol, TNT Publ., 2012. 616 p. 13. Sachs Lothar. Statistische Auswertungsmethoden . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1972. 548 p. (Russ. ed.: Trans. eng. Varygina V.N. Edited byAdler Yu.P., Gorskii V.G., Statisticheskoe otsenivanie . Moscow, Statistika Publ., 1976. 598 p.) 14. Hollander Myles, Wolfe D.A. Nonparametric Statistical Methods . John Wiley & Sons, 1973. 528 p. (Russ. ed: Trans. eng. Shmerling D.S. Edited by Adler Yu.P., Tiurin Yu.N. Neparametricheskie metody statistiki . Moscow, Finansy i statistika Publ., 1983. 506 p.) 15. Soler Ya.I., Kazimirov D.Yu. Selecting abrasive wheels for the plane grinding of airplane parts of the basis surface roughness. Russian Engineering Research, 2010, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 251–261. 16. Soler Ya.I, Prokop’eva A.V. More precise geometric prediction of high-speed plates for composite tools in boron-nitride grinding. Russian Engineering Research, 2011, Vol. 33, Issue 8, pp. 800–811. 17. SolerYa.I., NguyenVanLe, NguyenChi Kien. Prognozirovanie tochnosti formy ploskikh detalei iz zakalennykh stalei pri maiatnikovom shlifovanii periferiei abrazivnogo kruga [Prediction of shape precision of hardened steel flat parts at pendular grinding with periphery of the abrasive wheel]. Meždunarodnyj naučno-issledovatel’skij žurnal, 2013, no. 12(19), Part 1, pp. 128–134. 18. Wheeler D.J., Chambers D.S. Understanding Statistical Process Control . Knoxville, Tennessee: SPC Press, Inc. Introduction by W. Edwards Deming, 1992. (Russ. ed: Trans. eng. Kuz’min V., Adler Yu. Edited by Adler Yu., Shper V. Statisticheskoe upravlenie protsessami. Optimizatsiia biznesa s ispol’zovaniem kontrol’nykh kart Shukharta . Moscow, Al’pina Biznes Buks Publ., 2009. 409 p.) 19. Bikpavlenova D.R. Povyshenie effektivnosti shlifovaniia putem upravleniia strukturno-mekhanicheskimi kharakteristikami abrazivnogo instrumenta na keramicheskom sviazuiushchem. Avtoref. diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Increasing the grinding efficiency by controlling the structural and mechanical characteristics of the abrasive tool with a ceramic binder. Author’s abstract of Dr. tech. sci. diss.]. Volgograd, 2005. 15 p. Received 18 February 2014 Revised 10 April 2014 Accepted 15 April 2014