Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 54 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ А.И. Журавлев // Жизненный цикл конструкционных материалов (от получения до утилизации): Материа- лы докладов II Всерос. с междунар. участием науч. – техн. конф. (Иркутск, 25–27 апреля 2012 г.) / под ред. профессора С.А. Зайреса. – Иркутск: Изд-во ИрГТУ, 2012. – С. 61–65. 15. Рахимянов Х.М. Влияние износа расходных элементов на точность формообразования при тон- коструйной плазменной резке / Х.М. Рахимянов, А.А. Локтионов // Обработка металлов: Технология. Оборудование. Инструменты. – 2011. – № 4 (53). – С. 14–18. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 2(63), April – June 2014, Pages 46–55 Selection of technological schemes and high-precision plasma cutting mode optimization for structural steels Rakhimyanov A.Kh. , Engineer, e-mail: centerfht@mail.ru Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract Problems of the high-precision plasma cutting technological scheme for structural sheet steels with thickness range from 0,5 to 30 mm are considered. Results of experimental research on plasma cutting mode optimization for 3 mm thick steel St 37-3 are presented with evaluation of cutting precision, surface quality and burr forming on the bottom edge. The accuracy of sheet materials cutting was estimated by cutting edge angle at the transverse sections, the surface quality assessed by roughness parameter. It is established that depending on material class for the chosen scheme, the required accuracy and cutting quality are provided by processing speed. Thus the perpendicularity devia- tion increase in cutting edge from 3,8º to 5,8º and roughness development from Ra = 1,75 μm to Ra = 3,2 μm occurs with the processing speed increase from 2,0 to 2,4 m / min while structural steel St 37-3 cutting. Loss of the cutting precision with increased processing speed is due to the increase of the temperature gradient over the cross section of the cut, which leads to uneven temperature field over the thickness of the cut. Deterioration of the cut surface rough- ness at the maximum speed is due to limitations in the development of gas-dynamic and hydrodynamic flow that par- ticipate in removal of products from the cutting zone of the melt, leading to their partial deposition on treated surface. Keywords: the high-precision plasma cutting, accuracy and cutting quality, plasma gas and swirl gas, structural steels. References 1. Polevoi G.V., Sukhinin G.K. Gazoplamennaia obrabotka metallov: Uchebnik dlia studentov uchrezhdenii srednego professional’nogo obrazovaniia [Flame machining metals: Textbook for students of secondary vocational education]. Moscow, Publishing Center «Academia», 2005. 336 p. 2. Popilov L.Ya. Elektrofizicheskaia i elektrokhimicheskaia obrabotka materialov: Spravochnik [Electrophysical and electrochemical processing of materials. Handbook]. 2 nd ed. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1982. 400 p. 3. Grigor’iants A.G., Sokolov A.A. Lazernaia rezka metallov [Laser cutting of metals]. Moscow, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1988. 127 p. 4. Afonin Yu.V., Ermolaev G.V., Malov A.N., Malov N.A., Orishich A.M., Shuliat’ev V.B., Pechurin V.A., Filev V.F. [Experimental study of gas-laser cutting of mild steel]. Trudy 4 Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Lazernye tekhnologii i sredstva ikh realizatsii» [Proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Laser technology and their means of implementation”]. Saint Petersburg, 2003, pp. 47–54. (In Russian). 5. Grigor’iants A.G., Shiganov I.N., Misiurov A.I. Tekhnologicheskie protsessy lazernoi obrabotki: Uchebnoe posobie dlia vuzov [Technological processes of laser machining: Textbook for universities]. 2 nd ed. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2008. 664 p. 6. Rakhimianov Kh.M., Zhuravlev A.I., Loktionov A.A., Rakhimianov A.Kh. Modelirovanie protsessov tonkostruinoi plazmennoi rezki dlia obespecheniia tochnosti formirovaniia krivolineinykh konturov [High-precision