Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 82 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ To solve this problem it is suggested to make finish machining of deep holes with application of the high-speed steel reamers, hardened by carbides, and having special construction for application on the deep hole drilling machine. The hardening process is realized by electro-spark treatment with the portable industrial device. To improve the efficiency of the reaming process, the combination of hardened and non-hardened reamer teeth is suggested. Field tests showed an improved the efficiency of hardened reamers working performance at deep hole machining operations. Keywords: deep hole drilling, reamer, electro-spark treatment, tools working performance. References 1. Utkin N.F. Kizhniaev Iu.I., Pluzhnikov S.K., Shamanin A.A., Drozdov F.M., Nemtsev B.A., Bychkov N.A., Borzov V.F. Obrabotka glubokikh otverstii [Treatment of of deep holes]. Leningrad, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1988. 269 p. 2. Troitskii N.D. Glubokoe sverlenie [Deep-hole drilling]. Leningrad, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1971. 176 p. 3. Sherstobitov G.A. Puti uluchsheniia konstruktsii spiral’nykh sverl dlia obrabotki glubokikh otverstii v ner- zhaveiushchikh staliakh [Ways to improve the design of twist drills for deep holes in stainless steels]. Moscow, TsNII ITEI Publ., 1987. 35 p. 4. Kovalenko V.S., Verkhoturov A.D., Golovko L.F., Podcherniaeva I.A. Lazernoe i elektroerozionnoe uprochne- nie materialov [Laser and electrodischarge hardening materials]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1986. 276 p. 5. Zhigalko N.I., Kiselev V.V. Proektirovanie i proizvodstvo rezhushchikh instrumentov [Design and manufacture of cutting tools]. Minsk, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1969. 280 p. 6. Loginov N.Yu. Uvelichenie resursa rezhushchego instrumenta metodom elektroiskrovogo legirovaniia . Diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Increased resource cutter by electric spark alloying. Dr. tech. sci. diss.]. Togliatti, 2005. 140 p. 7. Chekhmakhchev L.Kh., Gershtein V.A., Iurasov Yu.Yu. [Single questions of optimization of wear-resistant coatings on cutting tools]. Povyshenie stoikosti metallorezhushchego instrumenta: Materialy mezhotraslevykh nauchno-tekhnicheskikh konferentsii, soveshchanii, seminarov i vystavok [Materials of interbranch scientific and technical conferences, meetings, seminars and exhibitions “Increasing resistance of cutting tools”]. Moscow, VIMI, 1981, pp. 4-12. (In Russian). 8. Verkhoturov A.D. Obobshchennaia model’ protsessa elektroiskrovogo legirovaniia. [Generalized model of electric spark alloying]. Elektrofizicheskie i elektrokhimicheskie metody obrabotki – Electrophysical and electro- chemical processing methods , 1983, no. 1, pp. 3–6. 9. Mulin Yu.I., Klimova L.A., Yarkov D.V. Fenomenologicheskoe opisanie zakonomernostei formirovaniia poverkhnostnogo sloia pri elektroiskrovom legirovanii [Phenomenological description of regularities of surface lay- ers formation under electric-spark alloying]. Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov – Inorganic Materials: Applied Research , 2000, no. 3, pp. 50–56. 10. Baranchikov V.I., ZharinovA.V., Iudina N.D., SadykhovA.I. Progressivnye rezhushchie instrumenty i rezhimy rezaniia metallov: Spravochnik [Advanced cutting tools and cutting metals: Handbook]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1990. 400 p. 11. Timoshenko V.A., Goldysh E.V., Timoshenko A.V. Izbiratel’noe nanesenie pokrytii na rezhushchii instrument [Selective coating of cutting tool]. STIN - Russian Engineering Research , 1995, no. 11, pp. 20–22. 12. Verkhoturov A.D., Podcherniaeva I.A., Priadko L.F., Egorov F.F. Elektrodnye materialy dlia elektroiskrovogo legirovaniia [Electrode materials for electric-spark alloying]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1988. 224 p. 13. Kopeikin S.V., Shapoval V.K. Ustroistvo dlia elektroiskrovogo uprochneniia [Device for electric-spark hard- ening]. Author’s Certificate USSR, no. 837715, IPC В 23 Р 1/18, 1992. 14. Deep hole drilling. Product catalogue and application guide. Sandvik Coromant. 2008. 162 p. (In Sweden). 15. Topolianskii P.A. Opyt naneseniia elektroiskrovykh pokrytii na rezhushchii instrument i shtampovuiu osnastku [Electric-spark coating of cutting tools and stamp parts]. Metalloobrabotka – Metal processing , 2004, no. 6, pp. 37–40. 16. Dal’skii A.M., Suslov A.G., Kosilova A.G., Meshcheriakov R.K. et al. Spravochnik tekhnologa-mashi- nostroitelia. V 2-kh t. T. 2. [The Handbook of Technologist-Machine Engineer. In 2 Volumes, Vol. 2]. 5 th ed. Moscow, Mashinostroenie-1 Publ., 2001. 942 p. Received 7 April 2014 Revised 15 May 2014 Accepted 17 May 2014