Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (63) 2014 89 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ 5. Reklaitis G.V., Ravindran A., Ragsdell K.M. Engineering Optimization: methods and applications. New York, Wiley, 1983. 684 p. 6. Bunday B.D. Basic optimization methods. Edward Arnold, London. 1984. 7. Витес Б.И., Гроссман В.М., Кравцов О.А. Про- ектирование корпусных деталей металлорежущих станков с использованием метода конечных элемен- тов // Станки и инструмент. – 1991. – № 5. – С. 13–14. 8. Пахмутов В.А., Шалдыбин А.Я. Использова- ние метода конечных элементов для анализа кон- струкций базовых деталей тяжелых станков // Стан- ки и инструмент. – 1992. – № 2. – С. 11–13. 9 . Атапин В.Г. Метод декомпозиции в проектиро- вании многоцелевых станков // Обработка металлов (технология, оборудование, инструменты). – 2014. – № 1 (62). – С. 61–68. 10. Каминская В.В. , Гильман А.М. , Егоров Ю.Б. Об автоматизированных расчетах оптимальных раз- меров деталей и узлов станков // Станки и инстру- мент. – 1975. – № 3. – С. 2–5. 11. Каминская В.В. , Левина З.М. , Решетов Д.Н. Станины и корпусные детали металлорежущих стан- ков – М.: Машгиз, 1960. – 362 с. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 2(63), April – June 2014, Pages 83–90 Intelligent design of carrying systems of serial metal-cutting machines Atapin V.G. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: metal_working@mail.ru Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract Questions of practical use of the technology of intelligent design of carrying systems of heavy multi-purpose machines developed by us and design of other types of metal-cutting machines – horizontal coordinate-boring machine, single-standard turning-merry-go-round machine are considered. The technology has four stages: 1) calculation of all external forces and loads, 2) formation of the boundary conditions (force, kinematics) for individual carrier constructions, 3) solution to the problem of final optimal distribution of a material by the individual supporting constructions with the real cross-section, 4) dynamic analysis. Results of calculation are compared to known literature data for these machines, received by other methods. Divergences in results of calculation are a consequence of not full basic data on these machines, presented in literature. Possibility of spread of technology of heavy multi-purpose machines carrying systems design on other types of machines is confirmed. It is shown that in case of possibility of objective function formation in an explicit form, usage of the direct optimization methods leads to faster and adequate decisions. Keywords: Intelligent design; Horizontal coordinate-boring machine; Single-standard turning-merry-go-round machine; Carrying system; Finite elements method; Optimization methods. References 1. Atapin V.G. Proektirovanie nesushchikh konstruktsii tiazhelykh mnogotselevykh stankov s uchetom tochnosti, proizvoditel’nosti, massy [The structural design of heavy machining centers based on accuracy, productivity, mass]. Vestnik Mashinostroeniya - Russian Engineering Research , 2001, no 2, pp. 3–6. 2. Atapin V.G. Optimizatsiia nesushchei sistemy stola tiazhelogo mnogotselevogo stanka [Optimization of the support system of the heavy machining center table]. Obrabotka metallov ( tekhnologiia, oborudovanie, instrumenty ) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2006, no. 4 (33), pp. 30–32. 3. Khomiakov V.S., Iatskov A.I. Optimizatsiia nesushchei sistemy odnostoechnogo tokarno-karusel’nogo stanka [Optimization of the support system of single-column vertical turning and boring lathe]. Stanki i instrument – Russian Engineering Research , 1984, no. 5, pp.14–16.