Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (64) 2014 13 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ 3. Miller L.E., Smiryagin A.P., Dnestrovskii N.Z., Landikhov A.D., Kreindlin H.H., Krucher G.N., Golovin V.A., Urin B.L., Gol’dreer V.N. Spravochnik po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov i splavov [Processing of nonferrous metals and alloys: reference book]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe izdatel’stvo literatury po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1961. 872 p. 4. Tropotov A.V., Pugacheva N.B., Ryazantsev Yu.V., Zhukova L.M. Issledovanie ostatochnykh napryazhenii v izdeliyakh, izgotovlennykh iz slozhnolegirovannoi latuni [A study of residual stresses in articles produced from complexly-alloyed brass]. Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov – Metal Science and Heat Treatment , 2006, no. 1, pp. 28-32 (in Russian). 5. Kopyl M.D., Tropotov A.V., Kotlyarov I.V. Latunnye splavy dlya kolets sinkhronizatorov sovershenstvuyutsya [Improving brass alloys for rings synchronizers]. Avtomobil’naya promyshlennost’ – Automobile Industry , 1999, no. 10, pp. 26-29 (in Russian). 6. Bobylev A.V. Korrozionnoe rastreskivanie latunei [Stress corrosion cracking of brass]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1956. 126 p. 7. Babichev M.A. Metody opredeleniya vnutrennikh napryazhenii v detalyakh mashin [Methods for determination of internal stresses in machine parts]. Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1955. 150 p. 8. Sokolov I.A., Ural’skii V.I. Ostatochnye napryazheniya i kachestvo metalloproduktsii [Residual stress and quality metal products]. Moscow, Metallurgizdat Publ., 1981. 300 p. 9. Bobylev A.V. Rastreskivanie mednykh splavov. Spravochnik [Cracking of copper alloys. Handbook]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1993. 352 p. 10. Kurbatkin I.I., Pruzhinin I.F., Falkon V.I. Vliyanie khimicheskogo sostava i rezhimov obrabotok na mekhanicheskie i ekspluatatsionnye svoistva kremnisto-margantsovistykh latunei [Effect of chemical composition and modes of treatment on the mechanical and performance properties of silicon-manganese brass]. Tsvetnye Metally – Non-ferrous Metals , 1996, no. 9, pp. 60-63 (in Russian). 11. PugachevaN.B. Struktura promyshlennykh (α + β)-latunei [Structure of industrial α + β brasses]. Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov – Metal Science and Heat Treatment , 2007, no. 2, pp. 23-29 (in Russian). 12. Pugacheva N.B. Structure of commercial α + β brasses. Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov – Metal Science and Heat Treatment , 2007, vol. 49, iss. 1-2, pp. 67-74. doi: 10.1007/s11041-007-0013-x 13. Pugacheva N.B., Pankratov A.A., Frolova N.Yu., Kotlyarov I.V. Structural and phase transformations in α + β brasses. Russian metallurgy (Metally) , 2006, vol. 2006, iss. 3, pp. 239-248. doi: 10.1134/S0036029506030104 14. Pugacheva N.B., Pankratov A.A., Frolova N.Yu., Kotlyarov I.V. Strukturnye i fazovye prevrashcheniya v α+β-latunyakh [Structural and phase transformations in α + β brasses]. Metally – Russian metallurgy ( Metally ), 2006, no. 3, pp. 65-75 (in Russian). 15. Suchkov D.I. Med’ i ee splavy [Copper and its alloys]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1967. 248 p. Received 21 May 2014 Revised 3 July 2014 Accepted 8 July 2014