Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (64) 2014 74 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ 11. Zamashchikov Y.I. Duality in Metal Cutting: Impact to the Surface Layer Residual Stress // Materials and Manu- facturing Processes. – 2006. – Vol. 21, iss. 5. – P. 551–566. 12. Физико-химическое взаимодействие инстру- ментального и обрабатываемого материалов при комбинированном электрохимическом шлифовании / А.С. Янюшкин, О.И. Медведева, С.А. Янюшкин, В.Ю. Попов // Труды Братского государственного университета. Серия: Естественные и инженерные науки. – 2012. – Т. 1. – С. 183–190. 13. Яньков Ю.В., Осипова А.С., Кузнецов А.М. На- пряжения, возникающие в области режущей кромки при заточке инструмента // Механики XXI веку. – 2012. – № 11. – С. 274–275. 14. Рычков Д.А. Определение периода стойкости режущего инструмента при фрезеровании стеклотек- столита // Потенциал современной науки. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 48–52. 15. Медведева О.И., Янюшкин А.С., Попов В.Ю. Расчет энергии адгезии контактных поверхностей при шлифовании инструментальных материалов раз- личными методами // Наукоемкие технологии в ма- шиностроении. – 2014. – № 5 (35). – С. 14–19. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 3(64), July – September 2014, Pages 68–75 An influence of hard alloys electro-diamond grinding parameters on the amount of dissolved material Medvedeva O.I., Senior Lecturer, e-mail: m.olgaiv@yandex.ru Yanyushkin A.S., Head of Chair “Technology of Machine Building”, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: yanyushkin@brstu.ru Popov V.Y., Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: berkutoff@rambler.ru Bratsk State University, 40 Makarenko st., Bratsk, 665709, Russian Federation Abstract The parameters of the combined hard alloy metal electro-diamond grinding are studied. This method is promising one that helps to raise the quality and durability of cutting tools. It is known that accuracy of its formation, optimal mechanical and electrochemical rate of processing material removal, ensuring the conditions of self-sharpening grinding wheel depends on the correct set of technological processing modes parameters. The results of mathematical calculations on the effect of parameters on the dissolved surface layer, as well as the output current of hard alloys are given in the paper. In the process of combined electro-diamond grinding, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the dependence of dissolved alloy layer on the mechanical and electrical parameters of grinding: grinding depth and density of the anode current are defined. Its analytical dependences are presented. Keywords: combined electro-diamond grinding, hard alloy metal, density of anode current, dissolved surface layer. References 1. Shcherbak M.V., Tolstaya M.A., AnisimovA.P., Postanogov V.Kh. Osnovy teorii i praktiki elektrokhimicheskoi obrabotki metallov i splavov [Bases of the theory and practice of electrochemical machining of metals and alloys]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1981. 263 p. 2. Arkhipov P.V. Povyshenie rezhushchikh svoistv almaznykh krugov na metallicheskoi svyazke putem ustraneniya ikh zasalivaniya . Avtoref. diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Increasing the cutting properties of diamond wheels in metal bond by removing them blunting. Author’s abstract of Dr. tech. sci. diss.]. Tomsk, 2010. 20 p. 3. YanyushkinA.S., Medvedeva O.I., Arkhipov P.V., Popov V.Yu. Mekhanizm obrazovaniya zashchitnykh plenok na almaznykh krugakh s metallicheskoi svyazkoi [The mechanism of protective films formation on diamond wheel with metal link]. Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii – Systems. Methods. Technologies, 2010, no. 5, pp. 132-138. 4. Arkhipov P.V., Potapova G.E. Tverdosplavnye materialy i metody ikh obrabotki [Carbide materials and their processing]. Mekhaniki XXI veku – Mechanics of the XXI century , 2012, no. 11, pp. 220-222.