Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (64) 2014 80 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ изводств: межвуз. сб. / Алт. политехн. ин-т. – Барна- ул, 1989. – С. 83–90. 9. Татаркин Е.Ю., Федорова Н.П., Ситников А.А. Определение межоперационных размеров при изго- товлении деталей с покрытиями // Сварочное произ- водство. – 1991. – № 12. – С. 5–6. 10. Эрманттраут М.М. О расчете равномерно- сти напыленных покрытий // Сварочное производ- ство. – 1971. – № 3. – С. 35–37. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 3(64), July – September 2014, Pages 76–81 Stochastic optimization during preparation of the basis for the coating Leonov S.L., D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: sergey_and_nady@mail.ru Tatarkin E.Y., D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: etatarkin@mail.ru Anzyryaev R.A., Post-graduate Student, e-mail: kubonit@mail.ru I.I. Polzunov Altai State Technical University, 46 Lenina avenue, Barnaul, Altai region, 656038, Russian Federation Abstract Surface preparation for coating involves the creation of a certain roughness of the substrate. This is necessary to ensure proper adhesion. Substrate processing generates a surface microrelief, that increases the substrate surface and the adhesion strength. A high unit cost of some coatings materials substantially limits its thickness. In this case, the main criterion is the cost of the coating layer volume, including the material in the scratches of the substrate. The formulation of the problem of substrate machining operations optimization to maximize the area of the contact with the coating and minimal consumption of materials, taking into account the stochastic characteristics of the tool geometry is described in the paper. The described method allows on the design stage to optimize substrate technological machining operations to maximize the area of contact with the coating and the minimum consumption of materials, taking into account the stochastic characteristics of the tool geometry. Keywords: Multiobjective optimization, roughness, density distribution References 1. Leonov S.L., Zinov’ev A.T. Osnovy sozdaniya imitatsionnykh tekhnologii pretsizionnogo formoobrazovaniya [Basis for the creation of simulation precision shaping technology]. Barnaul, AltSTU Publ., 2006. 198 p. 2. Sitnikov A.A. Tekhnologicheskoe obespechenie tochnosti izgotovleniya detalei s pokrytiyami [Technological support of manufacturing precision parts with coatings]. Barnaul, AltSTU Publ., 2004. 198 p. 3. Dunin-Barkovskii I.V., Kartashova A.N. Izmerenie i analiz sherokhovatosti, volnistosti i nekruglosti poverkhnosti [Measurement and analysis of roughness, waviness and roundness surface]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1978. 232 p. 4. Zhukov Yu.N., Cherepanov A.V. [Choice of the criterion workability edge tool composite ceramics]. Sbornik trudov UGTU-UPI «Konstruirovanie i tekhnologiya izgotovleniya mashin» [Proceedings of the USTU – UPI “Design and technology of manufacturing machines”]. Yekaterinburg, 1995, pp. 124 (in Russian). 5. Klimenko S.A. [Technological support of the surface roughness of deposited parts in turning superhard materials]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov «Tekhnologicheskoe obespechenie povysheniya kachestva i dolgovechnosti detalei mashin i mekhanizmov» [Collection of scientific papers “Technological support of improving the quality and durability of machine parts and mechanisms”]. Bryansk, 1984, pp. 89-92 (in Russian). 6. Kulagin S.P., Leonov S.L. [Simulation of the microrelief sprayed coatings by grinding]. Mezhvuzovskii sbornik «Otdelochno-chistovye metody obrabotki i instrumenty avtomatizirovannykh proizvodstv» [Interuniversity collection “Finishing-finishing processing methods and tools automated production”]. Barnaul, 1989, pp. 98-103 (in Russian).