Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 4

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 4 (65) 2014 10 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ products, the smooth operation of the equipment and, as a result, increase in efficiency, security of workers. These studies have determined the type of chips from the cutting conditions. Nomograms, reflecting areas that preclude the emergence of the flow chips and ingress of discontinuous and dusty chip into the air are obtained. It is showed that when creating a model of the process of chip formation it is necessary to consider the above-mentioned features of plastic materials processing and solve the problem of designing systems with complex geometric configuration and irregular physical structure. Keywords: chip formation, plastic materials, surface quality, process control, material handling. References 1. Baranchikov V.I., Tarapanov A.S., Kharlamov G.A. Obrabotka spetsial’nykh materialov v mashinostroenii. Spravochnik. Biblioteka tekhnologa [Machining of special materials in mechanical engineering. Handbook. Library of industrial engineer]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2002. 264 p. 2. Cherpakov B.I., Al’perovich T.A. Metallorezhushchie stanki [Metal cutting machines]. Moscow, Publishing center “Academia”, 2003. 368 p. 3. Feshchenko V.N., Makhmutov R.Kh. Tokarnaya obrabotka [Turning]. 6 th ed. Moscow, Vysshaya Shkola Publ., 2005. 303 p. 4. Panov A.A., Anikin V.V., Boim N.G., Bez”yazychnyi V.F., Volkov V.S. et al. Obrabotka metallov rezaniem: Spravochnik tekhnologa [Metalcutting: Directory of Industrial Engineer]. 2 nd ed. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2004. 784 p. 5. Burkov P.V. Strukturoobrazovanie, fazovyi sostav i svoistva kompozitsionnykh materialov na osnove karbida titana [Structure formation, phase composition and properties of composite materials based on titanium carbide]. Tomsk, TPU Publ., 2011. 190 p. ISBN 978-5-98298-884-3 6. Mozgovoy N.I., Mozgovaya Ya.G. [Processing features holes in parts made of glass-fiber material]. Tezisy dokladov VII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentsii «Informatsionnye tekhnologii v promyshlennosti» [Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference “Information Technologies in Industry» (ITI * 2012)]. Minsk, UIIP NAS Belarus Publ., 2012, pp. 207–209. ISBN 978-985-6744-78-8 7. Mozgovoy N.I., Mozgovaya Ya.G. Issledovaniya vliyaniya fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoistv stekloplastikov na protsess rezaniya [Investigations of the influence of physical and mechanical properties of glass-fiber material on the cutting process]. Vestnik Altaiskoy nauki – Bulletin of the Altai Science , 2013, no. 2–1, pp. 15–19. 8. Mozgovoy N.I., Markov A.M., Dots M.V. Stekloplastik i osobennosti ego mekhanicheskoi obrabotki [Glass-fiber material and features of its machining]. Saarbrücken, Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. 100 p. 9. Mozgovoy N.I., Markov A.M., Mozgovaya Ya.G. Problemy i perspektivy primeneniya plasticheskikh materialov dlya detalei mashinostroeniya [Problems and perspectives of the use of plastic materials for machine parts]. Polzunovskii al’manakh – Polzunov Almanac , 2013, no. 2, pp. 92–95. 10. Bondar’ E.B., Markov A.M. Problemy obrabotki plastmass rezaniem [Problems processing plastic cutting]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2004, no. 2, pp. 20–21. 11. Dots M.V., Markov A.M., Bondar’ E.B. [Simulation of cutting forces in turning glass-fiber material]. Materialy III Mezhregional’noi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Upravlenie kachestvom obrazovaniya, produktsii i okruzhayushchei sredy” [Proceedings of the III Inter-Regional Scientific-Practical Conference]. Biysk, AltSTU Publ., 2005, pp. 217–220. 12. Kobelev A.G., Sharonov M.A., Kobelev O.A., Sharonova V.P. Materialovedenie. Tekhnologiya kompozitsionnykh materialov [Materials science. The technology of composite materials]. Moscow, Knorus Publ., 2014. 270 p. 13. Bondar’ E.B. Povyshenie proizvoditel’nosti izgotovleniya detalei iz stekloplastika reztsami so smennymi mnogogrannymi plastinami . Avtoref. diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Increasing machining productivity of parts made of glass-fiber material by cutters with indexable inserts. Author’s abstract of Dr. tech. sci. diss.]. Tomsk, 2010. 20 p. Received 05 September 2014 Revised 15 September 2014 Accepted 25 September 2014