Obrabotka Metallov 2014 No. 4

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 4 (65) 2014 17 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ А.О. Токарев, В.И. Синдеев. – М.: Мир, 2004. – 384 с. – ISBN 5-03-003572-9. 19. ASM Handbook. Vol. 9: Metallography and Microstructures / G.F. Vander Voort, ed. – ASM International Publ., 2004. – 1184 p. – ISBN 978-0-87170-706-2. 20. Гарбер М.Е. Износостойкие белые чугуны. – Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. – М.: Машиностроение, 2010. – 281 с. 21. Бунин К.П., Малиночка Я.Н., Таран Ю.Н. Ос- новы металлографии чугуна. – М.: Металлургия, 1969. – 420 с. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 4(65), October – December 2014, Pages 11–18 Structure of wear resistant plasma coatings after high-energy treatment using high-frequency currents Chesov Yu. S. 1 , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: chesov@ngs.ru Zverev E. A. 1 , Ph.D. (Engineering), e-mail: egor_z@ngs.ru Ivancivsky V. V. 1 , D.Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: ivancivskij@corp.nstu.ru Skeeba V. Yu. 1 , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: skeeba_vadim@mail.ru Plotnikova N. V. 1 , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: plotnikova1975@mail.ru Lobanov D. V. 2 , D.Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: mf_nauka@brstu.ru 1 Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation 2 Bratsk State University, 40 Makarenko st., Bratsk, 665709, Russian Federation Abstract Purpose: In order to ensure the required level of wear resistance of high-chromium cast iron powder plasma coatings, research on the effect of high-energy heating by high frequency currents (HEH HFC) on the quality of the surface layer is conducted. Methods: The results of metallographic, X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive studies of the structure of wear-resistant plasma coatings before and after the induction heating are presented. Results and Discussion: Pores, unmelted powder particles and discontinuities in the transitional boundary, as well as improved uniformity of the microhardness in the depth the layer have virtually disappeared after additional high-temperature influence. After plasma spraying the value of the microhardness confidence interval was 1.7 … 2.8 GPa; after HEH HFC - microhardness confidence interval ranged between 0.5 and 1.3 GPa. In the structure of plasma coatings carbide component is preserved in the selected area of induction heating modes. An efficient mode of HFC reheating (source specific power q = (3,0 ... 3,2) ∙ 108 W/m2, the relative rate of details movement V = 60 ... 80 mm/s) at which there is a decrease in porosity of the plasma coating from 12 % to 1% is set. Keywords: quality, wear resistance, high-chromium cast iron, plasma coatings, structure, high-energy influence, high-fre- quency currents. References 1. Cartier M. Handbook of surface treatments and coatings. New York, ASME Press, 2003. 464 p. ISBN: 978-1-86058-375-9. 2. Davis J.R. ed. Handbook of thermal spray technology. ASM International, Materials Park, 2004. 338 p. ISBN-10: 0-87170-795-0. ISBN-13: 978-0-87170-795-6. 3. Tucker R.C. Jr., ed. ASM Handbook, Volume 5A: Thermal Spray Technology. ASM International, Materials Park, 2013. 412 p. ISBN: 978-1-61503-996-8. 4. Puzryakov A.F. Teoreticheskie osnovy tekhnologii plazmennogo napyleniya [Theoretical Foundations of Tech- nology Plasma Spraying]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2008. 360 p. 5. Borisov Yu.S., Kharlamov Yu.A., Sidorenko S.L., Ardatovskaya E.N. Gazotermicheskie pokrytiya iz porosh- kovykh materialov: spravochnik [Thermal spray coating of powder materials. Handbook]. Kiev, Naukova dumka Publ., 1987. 544 p.