Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 1

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (66) 2015 18 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ 3. Lebedev V.G., Klimenko N.N., Al’-Adzheilat S.A. [The mechanism of formation of burns in the grinding of hardened steel parts]. Mizhvuzivs’kyj zbirnyk “Naukovi notatky” [Interuniversity collection “Scientific Notes”], 2013, iss. 40, pp. 141–143. 4. Al’-Adzheilat S.A., Lebedev V.G. Formirovanie prizhogov otpuska pri shlifovanii napravlyayushchikh tyazhelykh pressov krugami iz KNB [Formation burn marks when grinding rails heavy presses by abrasive wheels CBN]. Problemy tehniky – Scientific and Industrial Journal , 2007, no. 4, pp. 128–150. 5. Al’-Adzheilat S.A., Lebedev V.G. Energeticheskie usloviya obrazovaniya prizhogov zakalki pri shlifovanii napravlyayushchikh tyazhelykh pressov krugami KNB [Energy conditions for the formation of burn marks hardening when grinding rails heavy presses by abrasive wheels CBN]. Problemy tehniky – Problems Technology , 2008, no. 1, pp. 130–152. 6. 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