Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 1

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (66) 2015 67 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ the process of tetanizing is developed and patented. This technology provides a high quality functional wear-resistant titanium coating on the surface of the cast iron. Coating formed during 2 hours had the thickness of more than 30 μm. The microhardness of the coating is 25000 MPa, of substrate – 4000 MPa. A transition layer of low hardness (3200 MPa) is detected under the coating. The influence of diffusion titanizing on the wear resistance of cast iron products is investigated. The microstructure and composition of the obtained titanium coatings is investigated. The tribological properties of titanium coatings are investigated, the tribologicalproperties of the friction pairs are investigated. The studies of tribological properties conducted by comparative “pad-roller” is given. The linear wear of coated part with titanium coating is zero, and the uncovered sample wear is 0.02 mm. Keywords: diffusion titanium coatings, iron cast products, properties of coatings, decarburization, improvement of wear resistance, tribological properties. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2015-1-60-68 References 1. Gulyaev A.P. Metallovedenie [Metal Science]. 6 th ed. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1986. 544 p. 2. Platonov G.L., Anikin V.N., Anikeev A.I., Zolotareva N.N., Nalimova M.N., Cheburaeva R.F., Kuznetsova K.F., Toropchenov V.S. Izuchenie rosta iznosostoikikh sloev iz karbida titana na tverdykh splavakh [Growth of wear- resistant titanium carbide layers on hard metals]. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya – Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics , 1980, no. 8, pp. 48–52. (In Russian) 3. Tushinsky L.I. [Optimization of the structure to improve the wear resistance of alloys]. “ Fizika iznosostoikosti poverkhnosti metallov”: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Collected papers “Physics wear of metal surfaces”], Leningrad, FTI Publ., 1988, pp. 42–45. 4. Karpman M.G. Vybor metoda i sposoba diffuzionnogo nasyshcheniya poverkhnosti izdelii [Choice of method and procedure for diffusion impregnation of article surfaces]. Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov – Metal Science and Heat Treatment , 1982, no. 4, pp. 19–20. (In Russian) 5. Zemskov G.V, Kogan R.L., Shevchenko I.M. [The study of some properties of the diffusion layers containing boron]. Zashchitnye pokrytiya na metallakh [Protective coatings on metals]. Kiev, Naukova dumka Publ., 1971, iss. 4, pp. 67–73. 6. Shapovalov V.P., Gorbunov N.S. [Diffusion Titanation of Steel]. Zashchitnye pokrytiya na metallakh [Protec- tive Coatings on Metals]. Kiev, Naukova dumka Publ., 1973, iss. 7, pp. 116–119. 7. Gur’ev A.M., Lygdenov B.D. Vliyanie sostava nasyshchayushchei sredy na strukturu i svoistva diffuzionnogo sloya pri titanirovanii stalei [Influence of saturating environment on the structure and properties of the diffusion layer at titanation steels]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Fizika – Russian Physics Journal , 2001, no. 11, pp. 269–270. (In Russian) 8. Voroshnin L.G. Mnogokomponentnye diffuzionnye pokrytiya [Multicomponent diffusion coatings]. Minsk, Nauka i тekhnika Publ., 1981. 296 p. 9. Gurevich Yu.G., Ovsyannikov V.E., Frolov V.A., Sukhanov P.A. Sposob diffuzionnogo titanirovaniya izdelii iz chuguna [Method of diffusion titanising of cast iron products]. Patent RF, no. 2493289, 2013. 10. Sokolov A.G. Razrabotka teoreticheskikh i tekhnologicheskikh osnov povysheniya stoikosti rezhushchego i shtampovogo instrumenta za schet diffuzionnoi metallizatsii iz sredy legkoplavkikh zhidkometallicheskikh rastvorov. Diss. dokt. tekhn. nauk [Development of theoretical and technological foundations for increasing the resistance of the cutting and punching tools due to the diffusion of plating medium of low-melting liquid metal solutions. Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Krasnodar, 2008. 369 p. 11. Sokolov A.G., Krainev N.A. Sposob obrabotki chugunnykh izdelii [Cast-iron ware processing method]. Pat- ent RF, no. 2439171, 2012. 12. Sokolov A.G., Artem’ev V.P. Povyshenie rabotosposobnosti instrumenta metodami diffuzionnoi metallizatsii [Increase efficiency tool by diffusion metallization]. Rostov-on-Don, SKNTs VSh Publ., 2006. 228 p. 13. Sokolov A.G., Krainev A.N. [Selecting elements for diffusion metallization tool steels to improve their effi- ciency]. Materialy 12 Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii re-