Actual Problems in Machine Building 2015 No. 2

Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2015. N 2 CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________ 13 Yanpolskiy V.V., Kadyrbaev R.M. Electrolyte temperature effect on galvanic coating quality during the recovery of the mirror surface of hydraulic cylinder barrels 181 Semenova Ju. S., Plitenetsky D.A., Egorychev A.V. Integration the databases LOTSMAN: PLM and 1C UPP for automated preproduction 186 Proskokov A.V., Filippov A.V. Experimental determination of the deformation rate in turning 191 Technological Equipment, Machining Attachments and Instruments Atapin V.G. Two-pallet models of a heavy rotary-movable table 197 Atapin V.G. Modeling of joint operation of a multi-purpose machine tool and a machined workpiece 202 Lobanov D.V., Sidorenko S.A., Yushcenko D.A., Bolsheshapova A.V. Analysis and a rational choice of polymer composite materials for products based on their physical and mechanical properties 206 Rogova O.V. , Neyman V.Yu. Design calculation of a linear electromagnetic motor with an active gear area for the vibrocompressor drive 213 Aksyutin V.A., Neyman L.A., Neyman V.Yu., Scotnikov A.A. Forging equipment with a linear electromagnetic motor for the mechanization of processes of impact assembly and stamping small parts 220 Scotnikov A.A., Kravchenko E.A., Kimber Yu.S. Experimental determination of pulsed LEME energy characteristics 226 Kerzhencev V.A., Perova N. V., Bredikhina A.N., Pechorkina N.S. Numerical calculation and analysis of the parameters of screw conveyors 232 Rakhimyanov Kh.M., Veselov S.V., Leontiev I.A. Devices to control geometric parameters of the ceramic mating pair elements of hip joint implants 239 Chesov Yu. S., Ptitsyn S. V., Zverev E. A., Suharev V. O., Tsybenko M. S. A technique of measuring the drive power of the main machine tool motion 244 Neyman L.A. Thermal design of the impact tool with an electromagnetic drive 249 Podgornyj Yu.I., Martynova T.G. , Bredikhina A.N. , Kosilov A.S. , Pechorkina N.S. Balancing of technological machine rotors 256 Levshin G. E. Study of an electromagnetic induction furnace with a U-shaped magnetic circuit 263