Actual Problems in Machine Building 2015 No. 2

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. 2015. №2 Технологическое оборудование, оснастка и инструменты ____________________________________________________________________ 225 29. Нейман В.Ю. Интегрированные линейные электромагнитные двигатели для им- пульсных технологий // Электротехника. – 2003. – № 9. – С. 25–30. 30. Нейман В.Ю. Способы повышения энергетических показателей однообмоточных импульсных устройств с электромагнитным возбуждением / В.Ю. Нейман, Д.М. Евреинов, Л.А. Нейман, А.А. Скотников, Ю.Б. Смирнова // Транспорт: Наука, техника, управление: Научный информационный сборник. – М.: Изд-во ВИНИТИ, 2010. – № 8. – С. 29–31. 31. Нейман Л.А. Анализ процессов энергопреобразования в однокатушечной син- хронной электромагнитной машине с двухсторонним выбегом бойка // Известия Томского политехнического университета. Томск. Изд-во ТПУ, 2013. – № 4, Т. 323. – С. 112–116. 32. Нейман В.Ю. Анализ процессов энергопреобразования линейных электромагнит- ных машин с предварительным аккумулированием магнитной энергии в динамических ре- жимах // Электротехника. 2003. – № 2. С. 30–36. FORGING EQUIPMENT WITH A LINEAR ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR FOR THE MECHANIZATION OF PROCESSES OF IMPACT ASSEMBLY AND STAMPING SMALL PARTS Aksyutin V.A., Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Neyman L.A. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Neyman V.Yu. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Scotnikov A.A., Assistant, e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract Linear electromagnetic motors are advantageous for use in the drive of press equipment for stamping, pressing, riveting, marking, etc. at an action frequency of 10 Hz. The principle of electromagnetic motor operation is based on the interaction of the winding magnetic field with ferromagnetic core. The equipment of this class converts electric energy into the kinetic energy of the operating unit rectilinear motion with no additional transmissions. Electromagnetic presses stand out as being much more advantageous than other equipment due to the absence of mechanical transmissions, precisely manufactured parts, a simple structure, and wide possibilities to improve reliability and increase their service life, a feasibility to control their force and frequency in a wide range of values, a possibility of automation, an easy control of their operation, and the absence of overloads. Analysis of the presses converting electric energy into useful mechanical work made it possible to significantly improve electromagnetic press force and energy parameters by providing new operating cycles to accumulate magnetic energy in the inductances under static and dynamic conditions by developing effective magnetic systems and designs of electromagnetic motors. Keywords electromagnetic press, linear electromagnetic actuator, frequency and impact energy, mechanization of technological processes, shock assembly and stamping