Actual Problems in Machine Building 2015 No. 2

Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2015. N 2 Technological Equipment, Machining Attachments and Instruments ____________________________________________________________________ 318 акад. РАСХН В.А. Панфилова. М.: КолосС, 2007 – 696 с. 10. Керженцев В.А. Технологическое оборудование пищевых производств. Часть 1. Механическое оборудование: консп. лекций / В.А.Керженцев. – Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ. - 2008. – 140 с. 11. Керженцев ВА, Курсеитов С.И. Курсеитова Э.С. Анализ зависимости между раз- мерами ножевой решетки волчка и его производительностью // Механизация производствен- ных процессов рыбного хозяйства, промышленных и аграрных предприятий: сб. науч. тр. – Керчь. - 2008. - Вып 8. - С.154-159. 12. Керженцев В.А. Аналитическое исследование волчков, перерабатывающих мясное сырьё / Журнал Сибирский вестник сельскохозяйственной науки. - 2007. - № 6. - С. 92-97. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEAT GRINDER PRODUCTIVITY AND THE SHAFT ROTATIONAL SPEED DEPENDING ON THE KNIFE HOLEPLATE DIAMETER Kerzhencev V. A. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Perova N. V. , Assistant, e-mail: Kuznetsov A. S. , Student, e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract The paper presents formulas reconciling the value of meat grinder productivity with the knife holeplate diameters, geometrical dimensions and rotational speed of the screw shaft. These parameters are matched in terms of the rate of the meat yield from the neck and its feed rate to the cutting mechanism. The formulas are calculated in such a way that they equate these rates providing a continuous flow of product through the meat cutter. It is also shown that this approach can be used to simplify the design of high-performance meat cutters using one shaft instead of two shafts in their drive. The dependence of these parameters is presented graphically. The graphs show the dependence of productivity on the meat grinder diameter as well as the dependence of the rotational speed on the holeplate diameter. These dependences make it possible to choose a suitable size of meat cutter for different values of productivity and determine an appropriate rotational speed for this grinder. Keywords meat grinder, knife hole plate, screw, cutting mechanism, neck, productivity, speed, rotational speed, graphic dependence