Actual Problems in Machine Building 2015 No. 2

Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2015. N 2 Materials Science in Machine Building ____________________________________________________________________ 390 среди инструментальных легированных штамповых сталей, предпочтительнее стали марок Х12МФ и Х12Ф1. Список литературы 1. Гуляев, А. П. Металловедение. – М.: Москва, Металлургия, 1986 г. – 544 с. 2. Геллер, Ю. А. Инструментальные стали. – М.: Москва, Металлургия, 1983 г. – 527 с. 3. Бородулин, Г.М., Мошкевич, Е.И. Нержавеющая сталь. – М.: Москва, Металлургия, 1973 г. – 319 с. 4. Позняк Л.А., Скрынченко Ю.М., Тишеев С.И. Штамповые стали. – М.: Москва, Металлургия, 1980 г. – 244 с. TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF HIGH-CHROME DIE STEEL APPLICATION IN MACHINE BUILDING Bondar O.V., Ph.D. applicant, e-mail: Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, 28 Vesennyaya str., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation Abstract In modern machine building it is highly important to choose die steels which have the main properties without any irremovable defects necessary for tools. The X12 high-chrome steel which offers high wear resistance, increased heat conductivity, low heat treatment deformability, and some other special characteristics is widely used for cold dies containing 11 – 13% of chrome and 1,4 – 2,5% of carbon. Unfortunately, high wear resistant high-chromium tool steels are not widely used now because of high carbide inhomogeneity and a tendency to defect (crack) formation. For this reason, it is very important to analyze causes of crack emergence at all technological stages, and to reveal the factors which, if modified, make possible to minimize a possibility of defect formation. Keywords die steels, wear resistance, carbide inhomogeneity