Actual Problems in Machine Building 2015 No. 2

Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2015. N 2 Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering ____________________________________________________________________ 62 THE STABILITY OF THE PROCESS OF HIGH-SPEED PLATE GRINDING BY A SINTERKORUNDUM WHEEL AT THE STAGE OF SPARKING-OUT Soler Ya. I. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Nguyen Van Canh , Ph.D. student, e-mail: Irkutsk State Technical University, 83 Lermontov st., Irkutsk, 664074, Russian Federation Abstract Stability is a factor that largely determines the efficiency of the grinding process. Process stability is characterized by high output parameters during the whole period of work. Increasing the process stability is of particular importance in developing flexible computer-aided manufacturing under unmanned operation conditions. Because of homogeneity and normal distribution violation, research was conducted by the non-parametric statistical method that improved the accuracy of forecasting measures of dispersion. It was found that a more stable process was predicted in terms of all indicators and parameters for grinding the high-speed plate Р12Ф3К10М3 at the sparking-out stage. The highest stability of the microroughness formation process by the criterion of a quartile width was determined in grinding the high-speed plate Р9M4K8 of four double passes and in grinding the high speed plate Р12Ф3К10М3 of three double passes. Keywords process stability, measure of dispersion, deviation of standard, ranges, quartile width, stability indices