Actual Problems in Machine Building 2014 No. 1

I Международная научно-практическая конференция « Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении » Материаловедение в машиностроении ___________________________________________________________________ 541 4. Структура и свойства покрытий, полученных электронно-лучевой наплавкой / И.М. Полетика [и др.]. // Физика и xимия обработки материалов, 2007. №6, с.48-56. 5. Microstructure and hardness improvement of TiC/stainless steel surface composites fabricated by high-energy electron beam irradiation / Jongmin Lee [et al.]. // Materials Science and Engineering A323 (2002). p. 251 – 259. 6. Структура и свойства стали после вневакуумной электронно-лучевой наплавки порошков титана, тантала, молибдена и графита / Д.О. Муль [и др.]. // Обработка металлов. 2013. № 3. с. 115-120. Cladding of multilayers carbide-containing coatings on carbon steel substrates by high-energy electron beam, injected in atmosphere D.O. Mul, A.N. Shmidt The features of the structure formation of multilayer coatings obtained by electron beam cladding of titanium carbides on carbon steel are considered. It is revealed that electron beam cladding of more than one layer provides increasing of the coating thickness and its titanium carbides concentration. Experimentally was found, that obtained multilayer coatings have high hardness properties. Key words: non-vacuum electron beam cladding, surface hardening, wear resistance, carbides, steel