Actual Problems in Machine Building 2014 No. 1

I Международная научно-практическая конференция « Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении » Материаловедение в машиностроении ___________________________________________________________________ 553 Quality control problems of structural materials under Machine-building enterprises Kuzbass L.P. Korotkova, D.V. Vidin, S.V. Laschinina Uncovered the problem of low quality supplied into metallic materials and structures. The results of a comprehensive quality control of steel and iron status of delivery and after heat treatment for various products. The basic causes of low quality materials and ways to overcome them in order to ensure high performance properties. Key words: quality steels, cast irons, operating properties, microstructure, macro- analysis, gauge, non-metallic inclusions, grain size, mechanical properties, heat treatment, banding, hot-rolled, cast billet, graphite inclusions.