Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (67) 2015 22 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ 1 million km while the standard run is not less than 500 thousand km. In this case, the allowable amount of wear of the friction wedges is not increased, and the coefficient of relative friction of the friction oscillation damper answered to the specifications. Keywords: High-energy induction heating, friction wedge of freight car bogie, hardening DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2015-2-17-23 References 1. Gabets A.V. Issledovanie prochnosti razlichnykh modifikatsii friktsionnykh klin’ev telezhki gruzovogo vagona [Study of strength various modifications friction wedges freight car bogie]. Polzunovskii vestnik – Polzunov Bulletin , 2013, no. 4–2, pp. 44–49. 2. Brenner H., Bartalini L., Antunes A. Numerical investigation on the friction wedge damper dynamics – a com- parative study. Proceedings of 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2009). Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, November 15–20, 2009. Available at: http://www.abcm.org.br/anais/cobem/2009/pdf/ COB09-2008.pdf (accessed 11.03.2015) 3. Hawthorne V.T. Recent Improvements to three-piece trucks. Proceedings of the 1996 ASME/IEEE Joint Rail- road Conference, Oakbrook, Illinois, 30 April – 2 May 1996. Piscataway, New Jersey, IEEE, 1996, pp. 151–161. doi: 10.1109/RRCON.1996.507974 4. Gabets A.V. Razrabotka sostava i tekhnologii polucheniya spetsial’nogo modifitsirovannogo chuguna povysh- ennoi ekspluatatsionnoi stoikosti dlya friktsionnykh uzlov podvizhnogo sostava zheleznodorozhnogo transporta . Av- toref. diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Development of composition and technology of special modified iron for increased operational stability of the friction units of railway vehicles. Author’s abstract of PhD eng. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2014. 27 p. 5. Velikanov A.V., Borshch B.V. Friktsionnye klin’ya iz vysokoprochnogo chuguna [Friction wedges of high- strength cast iron]. Vestnik Vserossiiskogo nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta – Vestnik of the All-Russia Railway Research Institute , 2007, no. 2, pp. 18–22. 6. Velikanov A.V., Borshch B.V., Fedin V.M., Borts A.I., Yur’eva B.I. Tekhnologiya proizvodstva, kachestvo i rabotosposobnost’ zakalennykh friktsionnykh klin’ev iz vysokoprochnogo chuguna [Production technology, qual- ity and serviceability of hardened friction wedges of high-strength cast iron]. Vestnik Vserossiiskogo nauchno- issledovatel’skogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta – Vestnik of the All-Russia Railway Research Institute , 2007, no. 5, pp. 19–24. 7. Gabets A.V., Sukhov A.V., Sapetov M.V., Filippov G.A. Sovershenstvovanie materiala dlya friktsionnogo kli- na uzla gasheniya kolebanii telezhki gruzovogo vagona [Improvement of material for the friction wedge of damping assembly of freight-car trucks]. Problemy chernoi metallurgii i materialovedeniya – Problems of ferrous metallurgy and materials science , 2014, no. 1, pp. 91–97. 8. Borshch B.V., Gabets A.V., Sukhov A.V., Filippov G.A. Povyshenie iznosostoikosti friktsionnykh detalei iz serogo chuguna [Increasing the wear resistance of friction grey cast iron components]. Stal’ – Steel in Translation , 2014, no. 1, pp. 66–68. (In Russian) 9. Fedin V.M., Borts A.I., Mukhamadshoev F. [Rationale for use as a structural material of iron or steel for fric- tion wedges freight car bogie]. Nauchno-prakticheskii al’manakh «Vektor transporta» [Scientific and practical alma- nac “Vector of transport”]. Moscow, NP OZhdPS Publ., 2014, no. 2, pp. 62–65. 10. Bondarenko A.F., Goren’kov A.A., Fedin V.M., Borts A.I. Uprochnenie friktsionnogo klina iz serogo chu- guna ob”emno-poverkhnostnoi zakalkoi [Strengthening gray iron friction wedge with bulk-surface hardening]. Vest- nik nauchno-issledovatel’skogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta – Vestnik of the Railway Research Institute , 2010, no. 3, pp. 40–42. 11. Spiridonov V.V., Kobyakov O.S., Kupriyanov I.L. Plazmennye i lazernye metody uprochneniya detalei mash- in [Plasma and laser methods of hardening of machine parts]. Minsk, Vysheisha shkola Publ., 1988. 155 p. 12. Korotkov V.A. Poverkhnostnaya plazmennaya zakalka [The surface plasma hardening]. Nizhnii Tagil, NTI UrFU Publ., 2012. 64 p. ISBN 978-5-9544-0060-1 13. Solonenko O.P., Alkhimov A.P., Marusin V.V., Rakhimyanov Kh.M., Orishich A.M., Salimov R.A., Shchukin V.G., Kosarev V.F. Vysokoenergeticheskie protsessy obrabotki materialov. Nizkotemperaturnaya plazma. T. 18 [High