Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (67) 2015 45 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ 7. Okovity V.A. Plazmennye iznosostoikie pokrytiya s vklyucheniem tverdoi smazki [Plasma wear - resistant coat- ings with inclusions of a solid lubricant]. Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo – Welding International , 2002, vol. 49, iss. 6, pp. 41–43. (In Russian) 8. Okovityi V.A. Plasma wear - resistant coatings with inclusions of a solid lubricant. Welding International , 2002, vol. 16, iss. 11, pp. 918–920. doi: 10.1080/09507110209549638 9. Okovity V.A., Il’yushchenko A.F., Shevtsov A.I., Panteleenko F.I., Okovity V.A. [The production of composite ceramic material for wear-resistant coatings deposition]. Respublikanskii mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik nauchnykh tru- dov NAN Belarusi “Poroshkovaya metallurgiya” [The Republican Interdepartmental Proceedings of NASB “Powder Metallurgy”], Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2008, iss. 31, pp. 156–162. (In Russian) 10. Okovity V.A., Devoino O.G., Panteleenko A.F., Okovity V.V. Keramicheskii material sistemy «oksid titana – oksid alyuminiya – tverdaya smazka» [The ceramic material system “titanium oxide – aluminum oxide – solid lubricant”]. Vestnik Belorusskogo natsional’nogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of the Belarusian National Technical University , 2011, no. 1, pp. 16–20. 11. Shevtsov A.I., Ivashko V.S., Ilyuschenko A.Ph., Izoitko V.M., Buykus K.V. Rol’ adgezii smazochnogo masla pri granichnoi smazke [Role of adhesion of lubricating oil during friction at boundary lubrication]. Trenie i iznos – Journal of Friction and Wear , 1998, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 350–354. (In Russian) 12. Shevtsov A.I., Ilyuschenko A.F., Okovity V.A., Fen’ Yu.S., Kozorez A.S. [The study of friction and wear of gas-thermal composite coatings treated with pulses of plasma jet]. Respublikanskii mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik nauchnykh trudov NAN Belarusi “Poroshkovaya metallurgiya” [The Republican Interdepartmental Proceedings of NASB “Powder Metallurgy”], 2006, iss. 29, pp. 243–248. (In Russian) 13. Shevtsov A.I., Ilyuschenko A.F., Devoino O.G., Okovity V.A., Chumakov A.N., Bosak N.A. [Investigation of pulsed laser parameters when processing plasma wear-resistant coatings made of the cladded composite powders]. Respublikanskii mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik nauchnykh trudov NAN Belarusi "Poroshkovaya metallurgiya" [The Republican Interdepartmental Proceedings of NASB "Powder Metallurgy"], 2009, iss. 32, pp. 194–199. (In Russian) 14. Ilyuschenko A., Shevtsov A., Smurov I., Ignatiev M., Kovaliov E. Aspects of friction surfaces failure and prospects of strengthening of tribocouplings by gas-thermal spraying of composite self-lubricating coatings. Pro- ceedings of the 10th International Baltic Conference “Materials Engineering & Balttrib’2001” , 27–28 September 2001, Jürmala, Latvia. Riga, 2001, pp. 142–147. 15. Ilyuschenko A.F., Shevtsov A.I., Okovity V.A., Gromyko G.F. [On the question of optimization of process parameters of thermal spraying coatings]. Sbornik dokladov 8-go mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma “Poroshkovaya metallurgiya: inzheneriya poverkhnosti, novye poroshkovye kompozitsionnye materialy. Svarka” . V 2 ch. [Proceed- ings of 8th International Symposium “Powder metallurgy: surface engineering, new powder composite materials. Welding”, Minsk, April 10 – 12, 2013]. Minsk, Belaruskaja navuka Publ., 2013, pt. 2, pp. 239 – 245. (In Russian) Received 6 April 2015 Revised 6 May 2015 Accepted 15 May 2015