Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (67) 2015 53 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ maximum utilization factor of the material and the minimum porosity of the coating. The effect of current, spraying distance, the powder particle size distribution, a method for manufacturing the powder utilization factor and the porosity of the coating material, as well as the influence of particle size distribution on adhesion strength of the coating to the substrate and coating hardness is examined. The results of these coatings studies led to the conclusion that the technology for manufacturing powder has a dominant influence on the formation of the coating structure. The use of SHS powders, in contrast to the agglomerates, allows creating high-density coating of eutectic composition, enhancing physical and mechanical properties. Keywords: wear-resistant coatings, oxide ceramics, solid lubricant, plasma-spraying, optimization parameters utilization factor material, coating porosity. 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