Formation and investigation of the properties of FeWCrMoBC metallic glass coatings on carbon steel

Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 3 EDITORIAL COUNCIL EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Anatoliy A. Bataev, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Rector, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation DEPUTIES EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Vladimir V. Ivancivsky, D.Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Machinery Design, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation Vadim Y. Skeeba, Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Machinery Design, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation Editor of the English translation: Elena A. Lozhkina, Ph.D. (Engineering), Department of Material Science in Mechanical Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation The journal is issued since 1999 Publication frequency – 4 numbers a year Data on the journal are published in «Ulrich's Periodical Directory» Journal “Obrabotka Metallov” (“Metal Working and Material Science”) has been Indexed in Clarivate Analytics Services. Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia Tel.: +7 (383) 346-17-75 E-mail:; Journal “Obrabotka Metallov – Metal Working and Material Science” is indexed in the world's largest abstracting bibliographic and scientometric databases Web of Science and Scopus. Journal “Obrabotka Metallov” (“Metal Working & Material Science”) has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Publishing, the world's leading aggregator of full text journals, magazines and eBooks. The full text of JOURNAL can be found in the EBSCOhost™ databases.

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 4 EDITORIAL COUNCIL EDITORIAL COUNCIL CHAIRMAN: Nikolai V. Pustovoy, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, President, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation MEMBERS: The Federative Republic of Brazil: Alberto Moreira Jorge Junior, Dr.-Ing., Full Professor; Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos The Federal Republic of Germany: Moniko Greif, Dr.-Ing., Professor, Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Russelsheim Florian Nürnberger, Dr.-Ing., Chief Engineer and Head of the Department “Technology of Materials”, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Garbsen; Thomas Hassel, Dr.-Ing., Head of Underwater Technology Center Hanover, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Garbsen The Spain: Andrey L. Chuvilin, Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), Ikerbasque Research Professor, Head of Electron Microscopy Laboratory “CIC nanoGUNE”, San Sebastian The Republic of Belarus: Fyodor I. Panteleenko, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, First Vice-Rector, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk The Ukraine: Sergiy V. Kovalevskyy, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Vice Rector for Research and Academic Aff airs, Donbass State Engineering Academy, Kramatorsk The Russian Federation: Vladimir G. Atapin, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk; Victor P. Balkov, Deputy general director, Research and Development Tooling Institute “VNIIINSTRUMENT”, Moscow; Vladimir A. Bataev, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk; Vladimir G. Burov, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk; Aleksandr N. Korotkov, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo; Dmitry V. Lobanov, D.Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary; Aleksey V. Makarov, D.Sc. (Engineering), Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of division, Head of laboratory (Laboratory of Mechanical Properties) M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch), Yekaterinburg; Aleksandr G. Ovcharenko, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Biysk Technological Institute, Biysk; Yuriy N. Saraev, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch), Tomsk; Alexander S. Yanyushkin, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary

Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 5 CONTENTS OBRABOTKAMETALLOV TECHNOLOGY Akintseva A.V., Pereverzev P.P. Modeling the interrelation of the cutting force with the cutting depth and the volumes of the metal being removed by single grains in fl at grinding........................................................................................................................................ 6 Sharma S.S., Joshi A., Rajpoot Y.S. A systematic review of processing techniques for cellular metallic foam production................. 22 Karlina Yu.I., Kononenko R.V., Ivantsivsky V.V., Popov M.A., Deryugin F.F., Byankin V.E. Review of modern requirements for welding of pipe high-strength low-alloy steels.......................................................................................................................................... 36 Startsev E.A., Bakhmatov P.V. The infl uence of automatic arc welding modes on the geometric parameters of the seam of butt joints made of low-carbon steel, made using experimental fl ux......................................................................................................................... 61 Martyushev N.V., Kozlov V.N., Qi M., Baginskiy A.G., Han Z., Bovkun A.S. Milling martensitic steel blanks obtained using additive technologies................................................................................................................................................................................ 74 Loginov Yu.N., Zamaraeva Yu.V. Evaluation of the bars’ multichannel angular pressing scheme and its potential application in practice................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90 EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS Rajpoot Y.S., SharmaA.K., Mishra V.N., Saxena K., Deepak D., Sharma S.S. Eff ect of tool pin profi le on the tensile characteristics of friction stir welded joints of AA8011.................................................................................................................................................... 105 Chinchanikar S., Gadge M.G. Performance modeling and multi-objective optimization during turning AISI 304 stainless steel using coated and coated-microblasted tools........................................................................................................................................................ 117 Ghule G.S., Sanap S., Chinchanikar S. Ultrasonic vibration-assisted hard turning of AISI 52100 steel: comparative evaluation and modeling using dimensional analysis........................................................................................................................................................ 136 Pivkin P.M., Ershov A.A., Mironov N.E., Nadykto A.B. Infl uence of the shape of the toroidal fl ank surface on the cutting wedge angles and mechanical stresses along the drill cutting edge...................................................................................................................... 151 MATERIAL SCIENCE Sokolov R.A., Muratov K.R., Venediktov A.N., Mamadaliev R.A. Infl uence of internal stresses on the intensity of corrosion processes in structural steel....................................................................................................................................................................... 167 Klimenov V.A., Kolubaev E.A., Han Z., Chumaevskii A.V., Dvilis E.S., Strelkova I.L., Drobyaz E.A., Yaremenko O.B., Kuranov A.E. Elastic modulus and hardness of Ti alloy obtained by wire-feed electron-beam additive manufacturing................... 180 Vorontsov A.V., Filippov A.V., Shamarin N.N., Moskvichev E.N., Novitskaya O.S., Knyazhev E.O., Denisova Yu.A., Leonov A.A., Denisov V.V. In situ crystal lattice analysis of nitride single-component and multilayer ZrN/CrN coatings in the process of thermal cycling.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 202 Rubtsov V.E., Panfi lov A.O., Kniazhev E.O., Nikolaeva A.V., Cheremnov A.M., Gusarova A.V., Beloborodov V.A., Chumaevskii A.V., Grinenko A.V., Kolubaev E.A. Infl uence of high-energy impact during plasma cutting on the structure and properties of surface layers of aluminum and titanium alloys................................................................................................................... 216 Bobylyov E.E., Storojenko I.D., Matorin A.A., Marchenko V.D. Features of the formation of Ni-Cr coatings obtained by diff usion alloying from low-melting liquid metal solutions..................................................................................................................................... 232 Burkov А.А., Konevtsov L.А., Dvornik М.И., Nikolenko S.V., Kulik M.A. Formation and investigation of the properties of FeWCrMoBC metallic glass coatings on carbon steel.......................................................................................................................... 244 Sharma S.S., Khatri R., Joshi A. A synergistic approach to the development of lightweight aluminium-based porous metallic foam using stir casting method........................................................................................................................................................................... 255 Strokach E.A., Kozhevnikov G.D., Pozhidaev A.A., Dobrovolsky S.V. Numerical study of titanium alloy high-velocity solid particle erosion.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 268 EDITORIALMATERIALS 284 FOUNDERS MATERIALS 295 CONTENTS

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Formation and investigation of the properties of FeWCrMoBC metallic glass coatings on carbon steel Alexander Burkov a, Leonid Konevtsov b,*, Maxim Dvornik c, Sergey Nikolenko d, Maria Kulik e Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Materials Science of the Khabarovsk Scientific Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 153 Tihookeanskaya st., Khabarovsk, 680042, Russian Federation a,; b,; с,; d,; e, Obrabotka metallov - Metal Working and Material Science Journal homepage: Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science. 2023 vol. 25 no. 4 pp. 244–254 ISSN: 1994-6309 (print) / 2541-819X (online) DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2023-25.4-244-254 ART I CLE I NFO Article history: Received: 01 September 2023 Revised: 19 September 2023 Accepted: 19 October 2023 Available online: 15 December 2023 Keywords: Metallic glass Coating Electric discharge alloying High-temperature resistance Wettability Coefficient of friction Wear resistance Funding The work was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 075-01108-23-01 (topic No. 123020700174-7). Acknowledgements Research were partially conducted at core facility “Structure, mechanical and physical properties of materials”. ABSTRACT Introduction. To obtain metallic glass coatings it is necessary to achieve high cooling rates of melt. FeWCrMoBC composition has high melt viscosity and sufficient glass-forming ability to fix of the amorphous state at cooling rates implemented by electric discharge alloying with the use of a crystalline electrode. The purpose of the work is one-stage deposition of amorphous coating by electric discharge alloying, using crystalline anode FeWCrMoBC, prepared by casting and studying the properties of modified surface of carbon steel: wettability, high-temperature resistance, tribological properties. Methods and Results. The structure of anode and coatings was investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis in CuKα radiation on a DRON-7 diffractometer. In contrast to the X-ray patterns of the anode material, sharp Bregg reflexes were not observed on the X-ray patterns of the coatings, but a wide halo was present in the range of angles 2Ѳ = 40–50°, which indicates its amorphous structure. The cyclic high-temperature resistance test was carried out at 700 °C for 100 hours. The wear rate and coefficient of friction of the specimens were studied under dry sliding friction at a speed of 0.47 m/s at a load of 25 N with the use of a counterbody made of high-speed steel M45. The influence of the discharge pulse duty cycle on the character of mass transfer (anode erosion, cathode weight gain, mass transfer coefficient) during coating formation was investigated. With a decrease in the duty cycle of the discharge pulses up to 9 times, the erosion of the anode increased up to 5 times, and the cathode mass gain increased up to 2.2 times. The maximum mass-transfer coefficient was achieved at the highest duty cycle. An increase in a number of surface properties of carbon steel after coating was observed: the hardness of the surface of the specimens increased by 2.3–2.6 times; the average thickness of the coatings was in the range of 56–80.6 µm; the wetting angle was in the range of 108.4–121.3°; the coefficient of friction decreased by 1.2– 1.4 times; the wear resistance increased by 2–3.3 times; oxidizability in air decreased by 14–18 times. Scope and Conclusions. The achieved higher properties (hardness, wear resistance, high-temperature resistance, and hydrophobicity) of the executive surfaces of parts made of carbon steel after deposition of the proposed coatings can be used in various branches of engineering production. The results of the work confirmed the possibility of deposition of metallic glass coatings by electric discharge alloying with the use of cast anode material FeWCrMoBC on carbon steel. For citation: Burkov А.А., Konevtsov L.А., Dvornik М.I., Nikolenko S.V., Kulik M.A. Formation and investigation of the properties of FeWCrMoBC metallic glass coatings on carbon steel. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science, 2023, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 244–254. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2023-25.4-244-254. (In Russian). ______ * Corresponding author Konevtsov Leonid A., Ph.D. (Engineering), Senior researcher Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Materials Science of the Khabarovsk Scientific Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 153 Tihookeanskaya st., 680042, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation Tel.: +7 (924) 105-97-46, E-mail:

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Introduction The structure of metallic glasses (MG), by contrast with metals, is amorphous, characterized by the presence of short-distance order and the absence of long-distance order in the arrangement of atoms, which is characteristic of the atomic structure of supercooled melts. Due to this, bulk MGs have high elasticity comparable to polymers, increased Young’s modulus [1–3]; magnetic properties [4], catalytic activity [5–7]; resistance to radiation and others. The production of bulk MGs with a thickness of more than 10 mm is currently difficult due to the requirement of high cooling rate of the material. Therefore, it is promising to apply MG coatings to impart properties to the executive surfaces of massive parts. MGs and hardening coatings formed from iron-based MG have increased hardness [8], increased wear resistance [1, 9, 10], lower friction coefficients [11], high-temperature resistance [12, 13] corrosion resistance [2, 14–16] and other properties [17, 18] compared with the substrate material. To obtain MG coatings, it is necessary to achieve high melt cooling rates. FeWCrMoBC composition contains elements with significantly different atomic radii, due to this melt has high viscosity, which makes it difficult to move atoms to build the crystal structure, and therefore does not require extremely high cooling rates for the formation of MG by contrast with pure metals. Electric discharge alloying (EDA) provides sufficiently high cooling rates (105–107 K/s) [19, 20] of such materials in the melt micro-bath to fix the amorphous state. EDA is based on the phenomenon of polar transfer of material from anode to cathode during the flow of microsecond low-voltage electrical discharges [21]. As a consequence, EDA can utilize a crystalline electrode-anode for one-step deposition of an amorphous coating [22]. Previously, we obtained similar coatings using electrodes (anodes) prepared by powder metallurgy. The purpose of this work is a one-stage deposition of an amorphous coating by EDA using crystalline anode material FeWCrMoBC prepared by casting with a higher iron concentration and the investigation of wettability, high-temperature resistance and tribological properties of coatings. Research methods In laboratory conditions of KHFIC IM FEB RAS the electrode material of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 composition from a mixture of powders was created by casting method (table 1). The powders were mixed and poured into a corundum crucible, which was placed in a muffle furnace and heated up 1,200 °C. After soaking for 15 minutes, the crucible was removed from the furnace and the melt was poured onto a steel plate at room temperature. The obtained material was cut into 4×4×30 mm3 rectangles, which served as electrodes. Ta b l e 1 Composition of the powder mixture for the anode preparation Concentration, wt.% B4C W Mo Fe Cr C 2.97 32.82 11.4 29.8 19.95 3.06 The power pulse generator was used during EDA with discharge current 195±10 A; voltage 40±5 V and the following processing modes (table 2), where: D = 1/S is a duty cycle; S = T/τ is a pulse on-off time; T is a pulse period; τ is a pulse duration. The coatings were deposited on the surface of the cathode specimens made of Steel 35 in the form of a cylinder with a height of 5 mm and a diameter of 12 mm during 6 min/cm2 in air. The values of anode erosion and cathode weight gain were determined with using electronic scales BSM-120 with an accuracy of 0.1 mg. An X-ray diffractometer “DRON-7” in Cu-Kα radiation was used to study the structure of the specimens. The hardness of the coatings was measured on a PMT-3M microhardness tester at a load of 0.5 N using the Vickers method. Wear resistance and coefficient of friction of coatings were investigated according to

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Ta b l e 2 Modes of electric discharge alloying Specimen designation МС50 МС150 МС450 S 50 150 450 T, ms 2.5 7.5 22.5 τ, µs 50 50 50 Number of pulses 144,000 48,000 16,000 ASTM G99-17 standard under dry sliding friction with the use of a disk counterbody made of M45 highspeed steel (65 HRC) at a speed of 0.47 m/s at a load of 25 N. Cyclic high-temperature resistance tests were carried out in a muffle furnace at 700 °C in air. The specimens in the form of a cube with an edge of 6 mm, with a coating on each face, were held at a given temperature for ~6 h, then cooled in an desiccator to room temperature. The total testing time was 100 h. During the oxidation resistance test, the specimens were placed in ceramic crucibles to account in the mass of formed oxides. The wetting edge angle was determined by the “sessile drop” method [23]. Free surface energy was determined by wetting with distilled water, ethanol (C2H5OH), sodium chloride solution (6M NaCl), formic acid (CH2O2). The free surface energy was calculated using the theoretical model [24]: 2 1 2 1 ( ) SL S L S L L S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y   = + - - β -   (1) which in combination with Young’s equation gives: [ ]2 1 (1 cos ) 2 1 ( ) , S L S L L Y Y Y Y Y + Θ = - β - (2) where β1 is equal to 0.0001057 (m/mN) 2. Then equation (2) allows, with some assumption, to estimate the free surface energy (Ys) from the measurement of the contact angle of a liquid with known surface tension YL. Results and its discussion The study of mass transfer in the EDA process is important for establishing the fact of cathode weight increase and the value of specific cathode weight gain, especially when using new anode-cathode electrode pairs, since the coating thickness can be considered as a function of cathode weight gain over time [25]. Fig. 1 shows the dependences of anode erosion, the value of specific cathode weight gain and total mass-transfer coefficient on the EDA time. The anode electrical erosion curves increased linearly over the EDA time (fig. 1, a), the greatest anode erosion was observed at the highest duty cycle. With increasing the duty cycle by 3 and 9 times, the erosion values decreased in 1.2 and 5 times, respectively. Thus, the anode erosion depends nonlinearly on the number of pulses sent by the generator. With an increase in the duty cycle due to a reduction in the number of discharge pulses, the values of summarized cathode weight gain decreased by 1.5 and 2.2 times, respectively (fig. 1, b). The cathode weight gain monotonically increased during the first 4 minutes of EDA, and in the following 5–6 minutes a slowdown in the weight gain was observed due to the approaching the brittle fracture threshold [21]. In accordance with this, the mass-transfer coefficient (Сt.c) gradually decreased with increasing EDA time for all modes. At minimum duty cycle, Сt.c was twice as large compared to the other modes (fig. 1, c). This is explained by the decrease in the number of discharges per unit of the surface being treated per unit of time, at which the electrodes cool down to lowest temperatures. When the initial temperature of the anode decreases, the volume of melt microbath decreases and, accordingly, erosion at a single discharge decreases.

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 a b c Fig. 1. Kinetics of mass transfer during EDA with different pulse intensity: erosion of the anode ƩΔa, mg/cm2 (a); cathode weight gain ƩΔ c mg/cm2 (b); average mass-transfer coefficient ΣC t.a of specimens MS50, MS150, MS450 (c) X-ray diffraction analysis showed that in the anode composition of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 contains phases of ferrochrome (Fe-Cr), borides and carbides: Fe23B4, MoFeB2, α-WC, Mo2C (fig. 2, a), which were not present in the composition of the powder mixture before melting. This indicates the intensive chemical reactions during the holding process of the composition presented in table 1 at 1,200 °C. Whereas on the X-ray spectra of coatings obtained with its use, no sharp Bregg reflexes are observed, and there is a wide halo in the range of angles 2Ѳ = 40–50°, indicating the amorphous structure of the deposited layers. Themain characteristics of EDA coatings on Steel 35 using Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 anode are summarized in table 3. The average thickness of the coatings was in the range of 56–80 μm, with a maximum at specimen MG50. The surface roughness of the coatings in terms of Ra parameter was in range of 6.79–5.46 μm with the increase in the duty ratio. The water contact angle ranged from 108.4° to 121.3° (fig. 2, b), which is higher compared to Steel 35 (57.5°). The free surface energy of the coatings was calculated and it was in the range of 29.9–32.3 mJ/m2, which is lower compared to the original base material (39.97 mJ/m2). This suggests that the application of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 coatings can reduce the surface activity of Steel 35 to contaminants and corrosion [26]. a b Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of the anode of the Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 composition (a); wettability of the coating surface of the MG450 specimen (b)

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Fig. 3. Microhardness of coatings The microhardness of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 coatings was in the range of 6.65–7.56 GPa (fig. 3), which is 2.3–2.6 times higher than that of uncoated Steel 35, and also exceeds the values obtained by other researchers for MG Fe47Cr20Mo10W6C15B6Y2 (1.28 GPa) [27], is commensurate with the values for MG Zr50Cu28Al14Ni8 (7.2 GPa); Cu48Zr42Al6Ti4 (4.0 GPa); Hf46Cu45Al6Ti3 (7.7 GPa) [28], inferior to the data obtained for MG Fe65Ti13Co8Ni7B6Nb1 (11.6 GPa) [27] and MG Fe41Cr8Ni8Mo8Co8C16B11 (10–15 GPa) [29]. The friction coefficient values of the studied coated specimens monotonically decreased from 0.49 to 0.44 with increasing pulse on-off time from 50 to 450 (fig. 4, a). The friction coefficient of the coated specimens was smaller than that of uncoated Steel 35 (0.6) and was commensurate with the previously obtained data for Zr35Ti30Cu8.25Be26.75, (0.43–0.6) [11], slightly inferior to the data obtained for Zr56.2Ti13.8Nb5.0Cu6.9Ni5.6Be12.5 (0.27–0.35) [30]. However, the latter MGs contain beryllium, which is extremely toxic. The present relative values of wear rate of specimens with coatings was in the range from 0.86×10-5 to 1.45×10-5 mm3/(Nm) (fig. 4, b). Thus, the use of Fe 31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 metallic glass coatings can increase the wear resistance of the surface of Steel 35 by 2.0–3.3 times. The lowest values of wear rate were shown by the coating obtained at the lowest pulse on-off time of 50. The high-temperature resistance test of specimens characterizes not only the resistance of the coating material to oxidation, but also the continuity of the deposited layer. The mass change kinetics of specimens with Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 coatings (fig. 5, a, left scale) and uncoated Steel 35 (fig. 5, a; right scale) at temperature 700 °C is shown. The weight gain of the specimens is due to the fixation of oxygen on its Ta b l e 3 Characteristics of the deposited coatings Parameter Steel 35 МС50 МС150 МС450 Coating thickness, μm 80.6 77.1 56.1 Roughness Ra, µm 3.2 ±1.5 6.79±1.54 7.34±1.74 5.46±0.92 Wetting angle, °(degree) 57.5±3.8 111.9±6.1 108.4±7.3 121.3±4.9 Surface energy 39.97±17.6 32.3±18.7 33.1±17 29.9±15.5 a b Fig. 4. Coefficient of friction (a) and wear (b) of coatings compared to Steel 35 at a load of 25 N

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 surface in the form of hematite (fig. 5, b). During 100 hours of testing, the specimens with coatings from 13.5 to 18.8 times less subjected to oxidation than Steel 35 due to limited oxygen contact with the steel substrate (fig. 5, c). The protective effect of the coatings increased with increasing the duty cycle, which is due to an increase in the specific number of discharges and, as a consequence, an increase in the thickness and continuity of the coatings. Conclusions 1. The possibility of using the anode material of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 composition prepared by casting method for obtaining EDA coating of MG on carbon steel is shown. 2. With increasing in the pulse duty cycle by 3 and 9 times, the values of erosion increased by 1.2 and 5 times; the cathode weight increased by 1.5 and 2.2 times, respectively. At the lowest EDA intensity, the mass-transfer coefficient of EDA was the greatest. 3. In the composition of the prepared electrode materials Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 composition the α-WC, FeCr, Fe23B4, Mo2C, and MoFeB2 phases were found, while no sharp Bregge reflections were observed in the XRD spectra of the coatings, and a broad halo was present in the range of angles 2Ѳ = 40–50°, indicating the amorphous structure of metal glass. 4. The thickness of the coatings ranged from 56.1 to 80.6 μm, with roughness (Ra) from 5.46 to 7.34 μm. The coatings exhibited high water contact angle ranging from 108.4° to 121.3°, indicating high surface hydrophobicity of the developed coatings. 5. The friction coefficient of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 metallic glass coatings was lower than that of carbon steel from 22 to 36 %. Its application allows to increase the wear resistance of carbon steel surface by 2.0– 3.3 times. The highest values of wear resistance were shown by the coating obtained at highest duty cycle. 6. Application of Fe31W10Cr22Mo7B12C18 coatings allows to increase high-temperature resistance of carbon steel at temperature 700 oC by 13.5–18.8 times. The best high-temperature resistance was shown for coating obtained at lowest duty cycle of EDA. a b c Fig. 5. High-temperature resistance of specimens at 700 °C as compared to uncoated Steel 35: kinetics of mass change Δm, g/cm2 (a); X-ray diffraction analysis of the coating surface after high-temperature resistance tests (b); change in high-temperature resistance of coated specimen (CS) and uncoated specimen (US) from pulse on-off time (c) References 1. Sivaraman R., Patra In., Zainab M.N., Hameed N.M., Alawsi T., Hashemi S. The effects of minor element addition on the structural heterogeneity and mechanical properties of ZrCuAl bulk metallic glasses. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, vol. 2022, Art. 6528470. DOI: 10.1155/2022/6528470. 2. Chang J.C., Lee J.W., Lou B.S., Li C.L., Chu J.P. Effects of tungsten contents on the microstructure, mechanical and anticorrosion properties of Zr–W–Ti thin film metallic glasses. Thin Solid Films, 2015, vol. 584, pp. 253–256. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.01.063.

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