The issue of ensuring uniform radio coverage of service areas and the associated reliability of mobile radio systems in the 3G and 4G standards requires a lot of attention upon designing cellular mobile networks. One of the main tasks at the first stage of designing is the mathematical modeling of radio wave propagation under the influence of the environment. This work provides classification of mathematical models of radio wave propagation in cellular mobile communication systems, the algorithm of calculating radio signal strength at the receiving point depending on the distance between the mobile and the base stations, as well as factors and conditions affecting radio wave propagation are specified.
Антипин Б.М., Виноградов Е.М., Туманова Е.И., Мункуева О.Б. Расчет электромагнитной совместимости радиооборудования пункта управления беспилотной авиационной системы со станционарными наземными радиоэлектронными средствами // Доклады АН ВШ РФ. – 2024. – № 3 (64). – C. 7–24 – doi: 10.17212/1727-2769-2024-3-7-24
Popov V.I. Mathematical models of radio wave propagation in heterogeneous environments for wireless networks. Review. Doklady Akademii nauk vysshei shkoly Rossiiskoi Federatsii = Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, no. 3 (64), pp. 25–42. DOI: 10.17212/1727-2769-2024-3-25-42.