The paper proposes a classification of mathematical models of radio wave propagation (RWP) in forests in a wide frequency range, which summarizes the results of the works of the author and numerous researchers on the effective complex dielectric constant of forests, effective operating and linear attenuation coefficients, radio path losses, effective differential absorption cross sections and scattering, as well as the specific effective area of backscattering by forest vegetation. The rather complex problem of the influence of forests on the propagation of radio waves of various ranges is still extremely relevant today due to the widespread use of mobile and space radio communication systems, as well as solving the problems of radio monitoring of the earth's surface and radio introscopy of objects in forests.
Popov V.I. Matematicheskie modeli rasprostraneniya radiovoln v geterogennykh sredakh dlya besprovodnykh setei. Obzor. Chast' 2. Matematicheskie modeli rasprostraneniya radiovoln
v lesakh [Mathematical models of radio wave propagation in heterogeneous environments for wireless networks. Review. Part 2. Mathematical models of radio wave propagation in forests]. Doklady Akademii nauk vysshei shkoly Rossiiskoi Federatsii = Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, no. 4 (65), pp. 26–47. DOI: 10.17212/1727-2769-2024-4-