Proceedings of the RHSAS - How to submit a paper


Print ISSN: 1727-2769    Online ISSN: 2658-3747
English | Русский

Recent issue
№4(61) October - December 2023

How to submit a paper

In order to submit an article the author (all coauthors) should be registered on the journal's website.

Author (one of the coauthors) in his/her personal account on the journal's site should select «Submit articl e» item and type all required information. His/her coauthors he/she selects from the list of the registered users.

The manuscript of, usually, not more than 10 pages (including tables, figures and references) should be prepared in accordance with article preparation gudelines using MS Word text editor and attached as a file of *.doc, or *.docx type. If there are figures or pictures in the article they should be sent in separate files; in this case all the files should be packed in one archive file of *.rar type.

Scanned copy of the license agreement with the authors signatures and the experts' opinion (color scan, resolution not less than 300 dpi) should also be sent as *.jpg or *.jpeg files using the personal account and section  «Submit article».

The following documents should be sent to the editorial board by a regular mail:


[1] license agreements may be signed with each coauthor individually depending on their wishes
[2] one copy after having been signed by the editorial board is sent to the author