Actual Problems in Machine Building 2016 No. 3

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. 2016. №3 Инновационные технологии в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 193 14. Ваксер Д.Б . Пути повышения производительности при шлифовании. – М.; Л.: Машиностроение, 1964. – 122 с. 15. Ефимов В.В . О влиянии технологической среды на условия перехода от внешнего трения к микрорезанию // Трение и износ. – 1988. – Т. 9, № 1. – С. 150–154. 16. Коротков А.Н . Эксплутационные свойства абразивных материалов: монография. – Красноярск: Изд-во Красноярского ун-та, 1992. – 122 с. IMPROVING OF ABRASIVE THE EFFICIENCY OF LAPPING OPERATIONS THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF GRAINS WITH THE CONTROLLABLE FORM Korotkov A. N. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Vidin D. V. , Senior Lecturer, e-mail: Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbatchev, 28 Vesennaya st., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation Abstract Lapping is used for finishing of details. But this type of treatment has a significant drawback. Which is that for abrasive pastes diamond and abrasive grains with disordered and arbitrary shape are used. As a result, grains do not work or make a minimum contribution to the overall treatment process. We propose new compositions abrasive lapping pastes. They are differ from the conventional ones in using of grains with a controlled form. These grains are prepared through the use of abrasive masses vibration division technology. Quantitative control of grain form in fractions after the separation was carried out through the use of the concept of form factor. It is the ratio of the projections described and inscribed circles in the contours of grains. To determine the shape factor specially designed computer programs are used. They are able to handle large amounts of experimental data (at least 100 pieces of individual grains). We describe the results of tests of new compositions of pastes with different schemes of lapping. The results show that purposeful choice of the form of grains can achieve a significant improvement in the cutting ability of abrasive lapping pastes and surface quality of processing parts. Keywords abrasive valve lapping, grinding grains, form factor, circuit lapping, cutting ability, surface roughness treatment