Системы анализа и обработки данных


ISSN (печатн.): 2782-2001          ISSN (онлайн): 2782-215X
English | Русский

Последний выпуск
№4(96) Октябрь - Декабрь 2024

Optimization of DC motor speed control based on fuzzy logic-PID controller

Выпуск № 3 (83) Июль - Сентябрь 2021

Шит Амер Фархан -
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17212/2782-2001-2021-3-143-153

In this paper the PID controller and the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) are used to control the speed of separately excited DC motors. The proportional, integral and derivate (KP, KI, KD) gains of the PID controller are adjusted according to Fuzzy Logic rules. The FLC cotroller is designed according to fuzzy rules so that the system is fundamentally robust. Twenty-five fuzzy rules for self-tuning of each parameter of the PID controller are considered. The FLC has two inputs; the first one is the motor speed error (the difference between the reference and actual speed) and the second one is a change in the speed error (speed error derivative). The output of the FLC, i.e. the parameters of the PID controller, are used to control the speed of the separately excited DC Motor. This study shows that the precisiom feature of the PID controllers and the flexibllity feature of the fuzzy controller are presented in the  fuzzy self-tuning PID controller. The fuzzy self – tuning approach implemented on the conventional PID structure improved the dynamic and static response of the system. The salient features of both conventional and fuzzy self-tuning controller outputs are explored by simulation  using MATLAB. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed self-tuned PID controller i.plementd a good dynamic behavior of the DC motor i.e. perfect speed tracking with a settling time, minimum overshoot and minimum steady state errorws.

Ключевые слова: Fuzzy Logic, Electric motors, DC machine, Differential gain, Power System, PID controller, Optimization technique, and Self-tuning

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For citation:

Sheet A.F. Optimization of DC motor speed control based on fuzzy logic-PID сontroller. Sistemy analiza i obrabotki dannykh = Analysis and Data Processing Systems, 2021, no. 3 (83), pp. 143–153. DOI: 10.17212/2782-2001-2021-3-143-153.

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