Обработка металлов


Print ISSN: 1994-6309    Online ISSN: 2541-819X
English | Русский

Последний выпуск
Том 26, № 2 Апрель - Июнь 2024

Empirical Evaluation of Technological Deformations for “Soft” Cutting Modes During Thin-Walled Parts Turning

Том 0, № 0 Для Английских версий

Еремейкин Пётр Александрович,
Жаргалова Аягма Дашибалбаровна,
Гаврюшин Сергей Сергеевич
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17212/1994-6309-2018-20.1-22-32

Introduction. The problem of thin-walled parts processing is actual for various areas: aviation and space industries, power machine building and others. The literature review shows that modern methods of thin-walled parts processing suppose applying additional technological equipment that increases product cost. Recently the researchers have suggested a “soft” cutting modes method, which proposes a rational pick of cutting and clamping parameters. The method allows parts processing without additional equipment due to the effective selection of the technological process parameters (feed, rotation frequency, cutting depth) based on deformations numerical modeling. In previous papers, researchers described a computer system which allows a technologist superficially estimate the applicability of the chosen cutting modes and take the suppleness into account. Due to this system, a technologist is able to pick the parameters to minimize deformation of the workpiece before the processing starts. The purpose of the paper is to estimate the efficiently of the developed software. The article considers the case of a hollow cylindrical workpiece clamped by a three-jaw chuck. The methods of investigation: the experiment was carried out on a dedicated facility, constructed on the basis of a lathe. A dial gauge was used to measure deformations in predefined points on the workpiece surface. Results and Discussion. The experimental results are presented as deflection graphs. The graphs show both theoretical and experimental curves for various sections of the workpiece. The behavior and periodicity of the experimental curves fit the theoretical. The conducted experiments show that the developed software system is effective and reliable.

Ключевые слова: cutting modes definition, turning, technological deformation, thin-walled workpiece, software, experiment, cutting modes

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Благодарности. Финансирование

Acknowledgements: The  authors  are  grateful  to  Vitalij  Semisalov  and  Vladimir  Komarov  for technical assistance.

Funding:The work was carried out within grant: “Automation of technical systems and technological  processes  monitoring within  the  concept  of  digital manufacturing” No. 2.7918.2017 / 8.9.

Для цитирования:

Eremeykin P.A., Zhargalova A.D., Gavriushin S.S. Raschetno-eksperimental’naya otsenka tekhnologicheskikh deformatsii pri «myagkikh» rezhimakh tokarnoi obrabotki tonkostennykh detalei [Empirical evaluation of technological deformations for “soft” cutting modes during  thin-walled  parts  turning].  Obrabotka  metallov  (tekhnologiya,  oborudovanie,  instrumenty)  =  Metal  Working  and  Material  Science, 2018, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 22–32. doi: 10.17212/1994-6309-2018-20.1-22-32. (In Russian).

For citation:

Eremeykin P.A., Zhargalova A.D., Gavriushin S.S. Raschetno-eksperimental’naya otsenka tekhnologicheskikh deformatsii pri «myagkikh» rezhimakh tokarnoi obrabotki tonkostennykh detalei [Empirical evaluation of technological deformations for “soft” cutting modes during  thin-walled  parts  turning].  Obrabotka  metallov  (tekhnologiya,  oborudovanie,  instrumenty)  =  Metal  Working  and  Material  Science, 2018, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 22–32. doi: 10.17212/1994-6309-2018-20.1-22-32. (In Russian).

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